I remember everyone in late beta saying that the fine tuning was underway and would be settled soon. Then the same for prepatch. Now they’re making some massive changes that throw all of that previous tuning out of the window.
Beta is for advertising through streamers and Live is the beta. The final patch of the expansion is the final product.
What about bringing some classes survivalbility up to the level of the classes you’re nerfing?
Hunters and Shamans are paper thin even in M0 and are likely to be one shot to most targetted mechanics in higher keys.
Every single high level player in the community has said that it doesn’t matter how much damage these specs are doing if they’re liable to just fall over when compared to DH, Lock, Mage and Rogue.
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Let’s be real here. Everyone said last expansion that Blizz would finally balance the game because there were no new classes or races. After 18 years, it’s clear they either purposely make things lopsided or they have no idea how to balance the game.
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i streamer told me a tank did a M0 at 230 ivll, yea those nerfs seem fair to me
That’s exactly what they’ve been doing tho.
Regarding the warrior, 33% nerf on bloodthirst does not seem like fine tuning, to go along with slaughterhouse not refreshing is insane
Heavy nerfs for single target spec…
nerfing soul leech again? ouch.
glad to see tank nerfs, keep them coming
Because healing is fun and i like healing tanks doing big risky pulls, but its not a risk for them and yes dps get one shot ontop of the aoe damage caps.
Cry me a river man this also isnt my main healer this is for pvp, tanks are supposed to TANK damage not be basically immune to it, honestly is this your first xpac?? 2-3 pack pulls are fine but again it depends on which mobs, I dont care if the dungeon goes slower if i actually have to actively keep my tank up THATS MY JOB!
While I dont like the tank dmg nerf, I think that also nerfing many of the DPS spec’s healing is problematic and creates a whole problem that will have to be fixed.
I understand you want tanks to need more healing. In many cases I dont feel in danger at all, until I do something stupid when tanking. And 10% more damage isnt really going to make or break me at the end of the day.
The problem is that you are now increasing ALL the healing needed for tanks and 7 dps specs. While in PvP cases, these classes may have healed too much. But in PvE, their tankiness is a large part of their utility. And in the case of SPriest, its their only utility outside of PI.
This is a problem in my opinion, because of how much Rot and AoE damage is going out in dungeons, and when we slap on grievous, sanguine, bursting, explosive this just increases the damage taken and needed to be healed.
This is more a nerf to healers than tanks honestly. And Tanks and Healers are hard to come by, because they feel more stressful to play. Which they are. And making them more stressful, will end up negatively impacting things.
I don’t care your excuse or whatever. I do not understand what are you talking about. You like “healing tanks” when it’s dangerous for them, but its already more dangerous for the rest of the group and they need healing. You have to pick one or the other to focus on, because healer behavior matters. It’s a budget of healer throughput. When you are in super big pulls, so little of the healing that goes out that goes on the tank even when they took damage. When tanks dip low, its usually not actually healable, its up to the tank and dps to actually mitigate it. In high keys the DPS role becomes more important because they can mitigate the damage by actually killing the pack and ccing the mobs to actively reduce the damage. The healer actually has no impact after a certain point of mobs pulled. The tank dying to the mobs while the group dies to AoE isn’t actually sustainable, so what do you want? The AoEs to be nerfed for the new damage tanks will be gaining? They have to be nerfed if healers are expected to deal with it. Or do you want healers to be buffed? At that point there’s no balance either because you could heal through all the damage going out trivially. Even then, that’s not even fun. You would not be using 90% of your classes kit, because you would be sitting there spamming your classes flash heal.
Im not read your wall tanks need nerfs its happening deal with it or reroll, real tanks dont need to be OP
Nerfing the damage reduction of tanks is the wrong move. What needed to be done was the toning down of self healing and self shielding. This is what is needed to stress healers into healing and maintaining a tank along with situations with aoe damage that have been included in these new dungeons.
The fact that many times tanks can be extremely self sustaining is what drives the need for healers to deal appreciable dps in previous expansions. Give more damage mitigation tools, but reduce self healing/shielding. Make them able to survive extreme damage for long periods of time, but make it impossible to do so forever without a healer.
Tanks really should be more about mitigation than sustain.
I’m arguing for other people’s sake. I’m not trying to convince you, who clearly doesn’t understand how healing or tanking works at a higher difficulty level. I hope you can have fun in your +5s. 
OG tanks I know dgaf maybe worry about yourself.
I hope they enjoy their +2s. 
Also +5s lol from the guy who did his first 15 in SL you have no clue go have a look at things like old challenge modes sht was actually fun and required skill.
Absolutely not. It was poorly balanced. Boring. Grossly unpopular until valor, proving the system didn’t work. M+ is popular. More difficult and has actual rewards. None of those dungeons were hard, you were just bad at the game, which obviously hasn’t changed.
LOL unpopular HAHAHAHAHA holy damn mate you prove yourself clueless.