“Go go go” will never stop. 10% is nothing.
All tanks were very viable and closely balanced except BrM, and they got nerfed too.
The ONLY thing thing this changes is queue times for DPS and heals and a mass reroll for every BrM in the game today.
“Go go go” will never stop. 10% is nothing.
All tanks were very viable and closely balanced except BrM, and they got nerfed too.
The ONLY thing thing this changes is queue times for DPS and heals and a mass reroll for every BrM in the game today.
Man, so many babies in here. I think the changes are good. What some see as nerfs, I see as tuning.
Just wondering how tanks not dying made it past any stage of testing?
How do you miss that?
I highly doubt survivability was the reason there are no tanks.
If anything, I keep hearing tanks saying that they are invincible and that they can pull entire dungeons and there’s zero danger whatsoever.
So you’d think survivability nerfs would actually help fix the problem?
A 10% survivability nerf to one or two buttons is going to make you drop a 480 tank to reroll an alt…
A LOT! People will just think this tank is crap for at least the 1st 3 weeks.
I can’t do anything but just lol at this.
Now you get to both: misery AND a long queue time.
These changes don’t do a thing to change a tank.
Blizz: Now that we got your money again, here’s some nerfs. hahahahahah!
Arms is dead dead dead.
The nerfs were needed.
I’ve been hearing that tanks are absolutely invincible and some people are getting tired of tanks pulling entire dungeons because they simply cannot die if the healer is halfway doing their job.
Look, it was obvious that DH healing was too strong but I just have to ask… what in the world were you doing during play testing for this game? In what world does something get through into the release of the game that gets nerfed by 30%, 40%, and 60%. Like what the actual hell? I realize that DH has become fotm but a 20% nerf to essence break, 10% nerf to the hunt with 30% healing nerf, sustain completely bricked. Do you understand how unfun it is to see your class get obliterated? I’m not going to reroll like the other fotm, but thanks for the neutering. Play test your game before releasing it in a state that warrants a nerf this large.
Also it’s funny seeing monks get by completely unscathed and other classes that can crit you for over 100k in pvp not get touched. Thanks blizzard.
Let’s see how the zoomer pull it all tank players fair now! Should be interesting…or no big deal.
Thank goddess warlocks warriors and rogues are being nerfed. Surprised evokers arent being balanced as well though. Too squishy for my liking.
So bad. Red flag when the devs dont even understand how the talent trees work. Now Bears HAVE to get Scintillating Moonlight deep down the right side of the tree. There’s no choice at all, and spamming moonfire all expansion is going to look stupid and unfun.
CLUELESS BALANCE TEAM… just slapping numbers around and obviously dont have an understanding of most specs they literally put together.
Yep. All these tanks complaining about the class no longer being fun to play can go pound sand. It was NOT fun as a DPS or healer trying to run dungeons with a tank who would pull mobs consistently without needing to have a care for his fellow team dying around him. That isn’t how group content is suppose to work. When a tank is THAT powerful in a dungeon where he doesn’t need help from anyone then he is overpowered and deserves a nerf.
I hope the gogogogogogo mentality gets utterly and thoroughly destroyed and that tanks get ripped to shreds.
But we both know that won’t happen. 10% survivability nerfs won’t suddenly make tanks unable to pull whole dungeons. They’ll just offload that 10% onto the healers who’ll just DPS a little less.
Which wouldn’t have been an issue once m+ opens up and people can actually get to difficulty levels that matter.
I leveled up a Prot Warrior first before main swapping to Sin Rogue. Prot is broken with how good it is. It was a ton of fun playing it, but it wasn’t good for the health of the game. In group content, everyone needs to be equally viable to the success of the run. Prot Warriors didn’t really need the group.
It does matter.
Not everybody does mythics, and those who stick to heroics don’t want invincible tanks making their runs entirely miserable because they’re invincible.
And besides, if they don’t get tanks under control, they have to tune m+ to ridiculous levels so that one itty bitty mistake by a non-tank is a OHKO because they have to have mob damage so through-the-roof to get through the tanks’ invincible defenses…
Why even bother wasting the points in these now? Why did they even bother making them choices if all they’re going to do is just make them pointless. God I’d rather have Artificial power than have talent trees come back just for them to be gutted 2 weeks in.