Class Tuning Incoming -- December 13

Sounds like a win: you have one less person to worry about healing.

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remove the nerf by 80% on hand of the protector in pvp in that case. thats the only way to keep prot paladin viable in pvp. If you want to kill a spec thats been played for 6 years thats your choice but your making awfully bad decisions when most prots already struggle before those nerfs are even implimented.

PVE change

PVP change.

room temp seems to be a soaring height, I hope you reach it one day

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This is… about the take I’d expect from a Tank, honestly.

I think that right there is why Blizz did this.
Sure sucks for the AOTC + crowd tho. Wouldve been some epics key runs.

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Are you being dumb on purpose? I think you’re being dumb on purpose.

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Geez… I may have to find a 2 hander.

Some folks are just actually that stupid

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Good tanks will be just fine. Sorry if that’s not you.

try again, you’ll get it. I believe in you

nerf WW monks, buff arms

haha welcome to how DK’s feel with the absurd Death Strike over nerf - atleast you can still toe to toe a melee, we have to kite them to kill them now.

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nerfs to the hardest spec (tanks) to play with the absolute most responsibility all because they are worried about the 0.0005% exploiting damage advantages for a season title while the 99.999995% rest of the population are starving for tanks to join their ques.

Yes, let’s nerf the spec (tanks) that has the hardest job and pressure, gets blamed for everything going wrong, has to make split second decisions to keep themselves alive, responsible for getting the route of the dungeon down so that you can time on time, responsible for setting the pace so that you can time on time or +2 or better. Better make sure that the absolute hardest class to play doesn’t feel powerful in the slighest.


If tanks need more healing - consider reducing AOE in dungeon. Some dungeon bosses and stuff do so much AOE damage that it’s a blessing tanks don’t need much attention

I do think it was needed because tanks would pull 1/ 2 the instance, heals and DPS dies from all the AOE the trash does, which isn’t fun.

But at the same time, this seems like an AOE heavy expansion for healers, and you now just made our job harder.


When tanks are having fun, everyone else gets fast queues and fast dungeons.

When tanks aren’t having fun, everyone else gets long queues and long dungeons.

I know which I prefer.


We’re still going to pull huge because that’s the way you complete them quickly.

The ONLY thing this will do is make us kite more, which is extremely boring and frustrating for everyone.

These changes are awful. We’re headed for another shadowlands season 1 with paper tanks nobody wants to play.

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Hah im glad its not only me!

That’s the way they want it. They want both tanks and healers to literally hate their lives. To literally not want to do this.

I honestly beleive that 99.9% of the blizzard dev team are DPS, and never ever have even dared touch a tank or healing spec. And thus, feel like all of these changes will affect them. “Oh man I died because the healer was dps’ing… Guys we gotta make sure healers stay on target with just healing. I dont want them DPSing… Grrrr…”

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Being fine and having fun are not the same thing. I’ll be timing 20s in short order no matter what, but kiting is absolutely horrible and bad for the game.

I do think in general, these dungeons are awful. Far too long, far too much trash.

That said, dying because tanks are going for crazy pulls isn’t fun. Wipes waste more time then a slower and steady pace without wipes.