Class tuning incoming Dec 17!

Just a nod to consistency. Not a single breath about brewmaster. Nice


Blizzard"I dont even know who you are"


if blizzard actually play tested the class as a tank/dps on all the specs they see how much is wrong between the two but sadly blizzard never listens to the monk community. What do we know we just play the game.


Don’t worry, “We regularly make class balance adjustments based on gameplay data and feedback from players on class performance. The following changes to classes that are over- and under-performing in various areas will arrive alongside the 11.0.7 patch (December 17 in this region):” they have run the numbers and checked the feedback, everything came back positive so we are where we are meant to be


I think they need dedicated play testers actually. For each class. Multiples. People who know the class and are good at it.

I am a software developer and there’s a very real thing called bias … when you make the code changes you tend to test them worse than if you didn’t make them yourself.

If someone who didn’t write the code even touches it they find all kinds of things wrong.

It reeks of them firing the whole QA / testing department.


I could be wrong and I often am, but I suspect the reason there is nothing in 11.0.7 is because we are looking at a broad set of tank changes come 11.1.

The limited data we see shows M+ numbers diving hard. Issues related to tanks (and heals) have constituted a lot of the feedback from pros and noobs alike. Yoda did a video recently we he singled out tank balance as majorly problematic, etc.

Personally I am less concerned about if changes will happen and more concerned about what they will look like.


Im guessing a rework in the works. Stagger just seems to hard for them to balance atm, which makes sense. It was bound to be a problem eventually.

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That’s my guess
Has to be
…right, rework, right?

I would love to believe this was the case. However they had no problems making multiple adjustments to other tanks throughout the season.

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Even if a re work were on the way that doesnt mean the spec should be ignored and left to suffer for an entire season

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Totally, you will get no arguments from me there. It is infuriating.

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If there are any tank changes they must come in before season 2. As soon as season 2 starts they are not changing anything until well after worlds first Mythic raid is over. It would be nice if they announced the plans (if any) well in advance.

I got a brewmaster at 622, this guy at 623, and a druid at 620. All the leather tanks got the short end of the stick this season. I really wish I rolled a plate tank.

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I rerolled to prot Warrior about 5 weeks into the season. Meh. It’s definitely stronger. Just no flavor. Mained a bear from cata til mid legion but DH and monk have “flare.”

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“new phone who dis”