Class Tuning Incoming – January 23

I’m surprised Rdruid’s “buffs” are so light here compared to rsham and hpriest considering that our throughput is worse than theirs despite being the cookie cutter “throughput healer”.

Sucks being a throughput healer with bad throughput because of our gutted ramp and not getting tuned up when we’re clearly underperforming. Hpal deserves the same, but at least they have a DR and way more raid utility.


In all honesty Rdruids getting any buff at all is insane. The amount of dmg a Rdruid can do too is absurd


Fears can take 100% more damage before being broken


Resto druids running laps around rsham and hpriest in m+. Double the representation in high keys of those two combined.


Stop chain heal spamming

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He’s just mad that it will take him an extra 15 seconds.


In M+, yes, but not in raid. I’m talking about HPS throughput for raid-purposes, not damage throughput for M+.

In raid, resto has the worst damage.

That’s because they massively buffed cat damage before the season started. I’d take some cat damage nerfs for some hps buffs for raid, and it’s not even a hard decision.

We are struggling in raid.


Deathmark needs to be undispellable at this point.

Why can everyone’s class abilities remove my 2 min cd.

Fire mages combustion was changed. Deathmark needs to be treated the same.


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And in raid, resto druid representation is a little better than resto shaman, while having similar output.

I think most of these changes are really good. I do worry that locks will become unkillable gods now, but overall pretty good :slight_smile:

My Priest approves, my Druid does not.

I do not like ret. Nor DH.
Make them F tier pls

Player count wise, yes. If you actually look at throughput numbers though, no.

Having a raid buff will of course meant you’re brought more than a class without one. Does that mean our tuning should be strictly worse? Because rshamans already do more healing than rdruids on all mythic fights except for Volcaross and Nymue-- and Volcaross is a joke boss for that matter.

I’m not saying that rshaman and hpriest don’t deserve buffs, just that rdruid deserves throughput buffs along with them in ways that help us in raid but don’t make us more broken in M+.


Another inept work by people who are forced to do something for PvP, but they understand nothing about it and they don’t need this

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Ah so it’s not about balance it’s about spite. Gotcha.


I am staring at them right now.

Over last 2 weeks, mythic raiding.

75% percentile. Resto shaman is 242k average. Resto Druid is 235k average. Holy Priest is 230k.

Your entire argument is that being a throughput healer means you should perform more.

And then you specifically mention that Hpal has other abilities to give them usefulness.

Dont back pedal now.

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Them being in between defensive toolkit reworks for classes is rough. Hopefully they sort it out for all of them by 11.0.

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Unstable Affliction dispel backlash damage has been increased by 50% in PVP combat.


…If you think having mark of the wild is the same as having a DR cooldown as well as blessings to offer utility, I don’t know what to tell you.

Why are MW monks allowed to do the absurd things they do in that case? They also bring a raid buff with mystic touch. What about hpriests and disc priests bringing fort? Should that also be considered?

Rdruid aside from the raid buff is a pure throughput healer and should not be near the bottom of the meters. Not sure what backpedaling you perceive or why I’m bothering to argue with a 1/9M tribalistic rshaman who clearly doesn’t want other healers to be buffed, but again: I don’t care about M+ balance. You clearly do, which is why you’re taking this absurd argumentative tone.

Because again, all underperformers should be buffed. You seem to think only hpriest and rshaman deserve it for some reason, but rdruid and hpal also could use more throughput.