Yeah, elemental feels freaking horrible to play right now. Does horrible damage on top of that. Low survivability and little utility.
It’s not a good spec at all outside of a single fight.
Yeah, elemental feels freaking horrible to play right now. Does horrible damage on top of that. Low survivability and little utility.
It’s not a good spec at all outside of a single fight.
Devil’s Advocate:
Consider this: I play with a BM Hunter in my guild and he ROUTINELY parses in the 95th percentile. Like, 93 is his low, 98 his high.
Every fight. Every boss. Every raid. Every thing.
And he’s always #1 against anyone. I’ve been playing with him since CN.
There’s a Feral in the group, same thing. Even when Feral was last/2nd to last through all of SL. He was #1 dps.
Blizzard seems to do their balancing against the 1%, and ignore everything else.
So if you play at that 1% level-- you’re good!
If not-- they just say “git gud” and ignore you. There is no “RANGE” the way they do it. Balance the 1% … go get lunch. Done.
Yay my evoker gets a buff!
…looking at warcraft logs this would move WW to middle of the pack.
Lets get some more Blizzard you can gut Sin and Havoc harder than that.
Yeah, real nice. Devokers are still using Disintegrate until 5+ targets then. Thanks for that Blizz, such fun gameplay.
Nerfs to any class is bad. I do not care what class it is. Less damage /healing/etc = less fun to play. They should be buffing the other classes that desperately need it rather than what they are doing with these “tuning” changes. let me use terms you would understand. . If i give you a ferrari and then 2 weeks later want to swap it out for a dodge because the guy down the street does not like that you had the ferrari. You are the guy down the street. Instead of asking for your own ferrari . you want everyone to drive the same dodge you chose.
A lot of WW damage isnt effected by 6% buff.
Thanks for the UH buffs, they were needed for sure. Are you happy with the new tier set from S3? Especially the 4p. Currently its quite bad in PVP (magus is nerfed in pvp) and in M+ we are using 2 pieces of the old set and 2 from the new one…
Quite underwhelming 4p bonus IMO.
Please explain that to me…
Man a 30% nerf to BM main set piece? I know BM was strong but that is really heavy handed. Demon hunters I get it, but why run BM into the ground? Same with rogues, they were strong but nothing like demon hunters were. Man… feel bad for the hunters and rogues in here…
Oh wow no Ret buffs and the buffs to the bottom are pathetic, congrats you failed.
Wow MM its perfectly balanced i see
It doesn’t affect the damage of trinkets, embellishments, special weapons etc. Which WW monk is more reliant on than other specs because of how poorly it scales with stats. It’s why they stack the hell out of vers.
Its ability damage, this means no autoattack damage/gear that does damage damage. WW due to tuning traditionally has a fair bit of gear that does damage damage since we have no amplified stat scaling and vers wins out in our scaling making gear damage above average for ww. Not sure if it dodges our guardian damage ie xuen/statue but I’m sure someone will say if it does or not. Either way ability damage means not all of ww damage, its still a buff but ww was already significantly behind to begin with due to really really poor scaling, and that its behind now is already a problem because this is theoretically the point of the patch where ww is at its strongest as everyone gains ilvl ww becomes comparably weaker.
This. I get that there are times classes are flat out broken and need fixed. Why not just buff people so everyone feels good rather than nerf. Make the fights harder or nerf them less frequently as the patch goes on but buff classes not nerf them.
So were nerfing DH based on world first numbers aka players who play at a insane 0.1% level the majority cant? Wow says a lot…
Can we get some information on the data Blizz is using for these changes? Is the problem that there are only like 5 Shadow Priests running high keys, so the sample size isn’t big enough?
Oh I agree it is not all of WW damage but someone saying “A lot of WW damage is not from ability damage” is flat out wrong.
Anyone can top dps with DH. This class it’s in a stupid level of OP rn, both specs.