Class Tuning Incoming – December 19

I’m guessing there’s a few BM and Demo players in the Blizzard offices who slipped the balance team a few bucks to overlook a couple of classes.

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I do like how a 3% nerf will destroy a spec but a 3% buff will do nothing to fix whatever issues are imagined.


no love for arms or frost i see

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-Magma totem now spreads flame shock to 6 targets(Was 3)
-Magma totem cooldown to 30s(was 60s)

Put this change in to balance ELE thanks!

Oh no the 2% buff to Frost’s aoe will make them a lock in…

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So… ret is the worst dps spec in the game and yet we see classes that are doing better than ret getting 15% damage buffs and we get a 3%.

How does this make any sense? And not just one spec getting 15% buffs, all 3 of the specs getting meaningful buffs.

Who is in charge here?!

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Yep, i’m sure because that’s how they word differences to account for past reductions/increases.

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Ill take ur word for it ty for clarity

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They just forget warriors exist? Lol

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Wth… i didn’t realize that ranged could outrange the stacked circle lines like that if they wanted, was easymode to be ranged at Halondrus. :joy:

What in the world are these devs doing. Mages buffed? Sin nerfed? Do they not realize sin is completely reliant on externals to do what they’re doing? When guilds stop PIing them this next week it’ll be a dead spec lol. Nice rework!


Agree. I benched my Spriest, simply because we had to play the janky Mindbender spec in shadowlands. It wasnt fun then, and for me, it still isnt fun now. And the tier set bonuses do not feel exciting or intuitive. Especially using deathspeaker, and getting the procs from that and tier, and just dealing damage to yourself as a part of your normal rotation. They done Spriest Real Dirty.


I’d be happy if they even just blew up the final reckoning/exe branch. Those abilities imo are one of the if not the biggest issue.

That and templar’s verdict is an easy target.

I see people that want exe gone because it screws aoe and ppl that want it to stay because it gives a higher skill lvl usage for ret… so whatever, let’s just compromise.

Make ES also have splash dmg at the end and make FR give a moderate dmg increase if the number of targets is less than 5, scaling.

So the difference is less big between the 2 for both AOE and ST, but there is still a difference in their specializations.

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Yeah they need to do something along these lines for sure. They could make a talent to do that with the node where you get 3 holy power. It would make the choices you have to make in the tree more interesting too since you typically never use a point there. They could even just keep the 3 holy power as part of it since that’s just a silly talent to begin with.

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Increasing the classes I see hanging out that already stomp others in pvp and leaving the others deeper in the dirt. Not wise, actually.

not gonna lie, you being 3k io and being outdpsd by fury warriors means only one thing. your class is allowing you do key levels with players that are outright better than you at the game. fury warrior does not do more damage than DH. the only reason one would outdps a dh is either gear advantage or the warrior is much better than the DH. you factually are just a stronger class. also for 24s 250k should be like your low end dps, not the higher end


glad to see blizzard is making effort

I still don’t understand why Vile Taint timer/CD is so disjointed from the actual duration of Agony. Especially when Pandemic Invocation is a must-get dps talent.

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Funny how there’s one specific class that manages to consistently get all of its specs buffed, even when they’re already at the top of m+ meta and/or strong in raids.