Class Tuning in Progress -- July 13 -- Updated

Aren’t there usually shaman nerfs, where are those

Heroic is currently all we have, the best players across the board are currently in heroic.

It’s also as far as most of the players will ever get, so it matters to a lot of players.

Idc if i a class is good in mythic or not.

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Except that’s not true lmao. Because most players will look at what’s doing great in Mythic and roll that. Hunters are an outlier in heroic simply because so many people play it.

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ahhh did some one druid bot farm all of the herbs you needed ?

Holy crap … they already killed SP for M+, and now a further kick to the teeth.

FFS, my other caster is a aff lock and I don;t like demo/destr, and my main is a feral, lol. I may as well quit 9.1 if I don’t have the stomach to level up a mage.

I hate post release heavy handed nerfs - 2 weeks investment in my SP for F$%# nothing.

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Lol, feral is powerful if played right - just nobody does, ffs - is there a stupider thing anyone can post on the board than that (ofc with the - cause I got a feral in my guild that’s killing ti over everyone else - guess what everyone else then sucks).

Why can’t hunters and mages suffer for just one patch? BM hunter and fire mage are 2 most hated specs in the entire game. BM hunter is the most mindless, braindead spec, whilst fire mage is ALWAYS the meta the last 2 tiers(dunno before then because I came back mid bfa). Meanwhile arms warrior is sitting nearly dead last last time I checked and we get bs nothing.

Hahaha. Thank you for this post. Gave me a great laugh. Cheers!

it is near impossible to recall a pet in combat already lol, hunters either trade feign + invis for it or turtle.

Maybe check again instead of stating random bs. Arms is doing just fine, while Hunters and Fire Mage were right down the bottom by a fair bit. And from what I can see from your Nathria logs, it was a you issue, not a balancing issue.

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I don’t understand the nerf to shadow priest. We were on par with other classes like rogue and lock for ST. If you are going to nerf our ST to mid-tier, at least give our dots more damage so we have something else to offer besides ST (like, real damage, not 25% of nothing), or give us some useful utility so we still have a spot in raid.


I’m not a “sky is falling” type but I’m kind of puzzled what the goal for shadow is.


I didnt wanana upvote this because i play Hunter and mage but its true

He’s probably speaking of when they gutted Shaman, Demo Warlock and Shadow Priest, promised to redo those classes/specs. Did do some of them but then turned around and nerfed Demo again. Left Shaman and Shadow Priest in the basement for Legion. Buffed them some in BFA. Demo only got out of the basement in this expac.


Again, something which should have been done during the many months the patch was on the PTR.

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Weeps tears of the joyful hunter. Thank you blizz! You do care! <3<3<3<3<3

Eh, they stomped Fire into the ground with 9.1 like a tall vampire lady. These buffs aren’t actually unwarranted, it’s just that so many other specs which also need attention aren’t getting it. And Shadow got an utterly inexplicable nerf. What are Blizz even doing?

We’re still suffering lol, they just nerfed our only form of survivability.

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Actually arcane almost always scales best. It doesn’t crit cap like fire and frost.

The BM Hunter compared to the MM Hunter buff is poorly tuned. MM Hunter gets 10% increased singletarget and aoe dmg. Meanwhile BM gets a in total 15% buff single target on 3 spells that are not even half the dmg done singletarget and none whatsoever in aoe. Since MM is outperforming BM in AOE by far this buff seems quite unfair and needs to be looked over. Becuase this aint gonna work in m+

It’s really hard to understand how the dev team could miss on certain classes by 10-20%.

These aren’t fine tuning figures, these are we completely blew it the first time figures.

Just mind boggling to see this happen so frequently. Maybe crack open a spreadsheet next time before release.