Class Tuning in Progress -- January 12

from a rogue…really…


They also made the same adjustment to Frost DK. In Shadowlands, they allowed specs to choose 2-h or 2x1-h weapons, but neglected that using 2 x 1-handers is always preferable because you get 2 enchants and 2 oils. The 2% buff for 2-handers for all these specs is an attempt to mitigate that.

Lol @ 2% on 2H hahah I think they just pick random numbers now, it’s Friday f*** it! 2%!


Fire just ain’t my jam. The rotation just ain’t fun so I get your annoyance.

I do think a leggo scrapper would be a nice addition to the game with the Runecarver having some cross words with us not liking his work.


A lot of the community is asking for the nerfs, is this a joke? An attempt at provocation?

I don’t think you’ve recently participated in Rated PvP, no offense. It’s really bad and clearly shows with classes are absolutely broken and which ones aren’t. The game stopped being about skill and instead became based on what class you play. This caused a massive disfunction within the rating system causing 1500-1800 rating to be full of glad skilled players that aren’t playing the most broken meta and creating a massive gate

This leads to Rivals, Duelists, more high skilled players hanging around in the Unranked area, but not only that with skill thrown out of the loop gearing imbalance has stepped in and made everything even more of a hot mess. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Rated PvP is a disaster right now all because of Class imbalance.


That explains a lot. I do not know monk well (might be the only melee I dont have) but I have been seeing a lot of them in my higher end groups and they pump hard and it was the 1h spec that carried them? That makes some sense.

Honestly though I think EVERY single melee spec needs about a 10% raw damage buff just to make them viable compared to range right now because mechanics are so much easier for range that you have to come up with some justification to bring melee and right now it does not exist.

9% is a solid buff in raid tbh. It’ll actually put us closer to the middle of the pack. Unfortunately we’re still gonna be hot garbage in m+ when you have boomies, MM hunters and fire mages doing their thing.

So this is nice and all. But where’s the balancing aimed towards mythic+? Marksman, balance, fire and vengeance need to be tuned down.

Why is podtender even allowed in PvP? Where’s the ret/prot needs? Arms nerfs? WW nerds?

This is a good step towards fixing your game but there’s more to this game than the outdated game mode that is raiding


That is a fantastic idea TBH. Legendary Scrapper, you can use it once every 14 days or something. I like it.

Excellent start to the new year; thanks much.

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I’d love for blizzard to focus on arcane and change AE into a ranged spell
So we don’t have to get close to melee range to spam AE

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Well I’ve committed to fire now, at least in the short term. I really am looking for a good ignite dot tracker though so I can maximize dot spreading. I think the AOE is very very awkward compared to how good Frost AOE feels. It’s hard to get in the rhythm of it.

…these are CLEARLY PvE buffs for underperforming classes

They say that in the very first line of text of the post

This isn’t PvP tuning


See above; they made the same buff to Frost DK.

Shadowlands allows specs to use 2x1-handers instead of just a 2-hander, but they didn’t factor in that 2x1-handers will always be better because you get 2 enchants and 2 oils. It just never occurred to Blizzard that this is the case when they did their initial numbers pass. The 2% buff for 2-handers for these specs is an attempt to balance it.

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I personally love being all up in melee range, but I think Nether Tempest or something pulsing a weaker Arcane Explosion wouldn’t be too awful either.

Wouldn’t be against NT consuming Arcane Charges for a full effect AoE pulse either.

Is demonology warlock not underperforming? It seems very clear to me the damage wasn’t on par with other classes in pve and pvp. Especially when I go into high mythic 10-12+ dungeons, people expect it to be very bad. Feels very bad to play in pvp too considering all the damage is pretty much based on the pets and they can just get cc.

Just wondering if there is any future buffs for it or am I wasting my time and should just play destro or affliction?


Don’t forget SV hunters plsss, its in a worse place than frost mage and fury war :frowning:


And all of them are to specs that clearly needed it – if they were literally using a dartboard they’d be just as likely to buff Balance, Fire and Unholy.

The main concerns in this thread seem to be that the changes may be too small and/or not everyone who needs help is getting it immediately, but even if that is correct, the outcome is “keep up the good work”, not “these changes are bad”.

I do think that this was a pretty long time to wait for the first round of post-release tuning, but that’s probably how the timing of the delayed release intersected with Christmas more than Blizzard intentionally deciding “this is fine”.

P.S. These changes don’t include any healers, maybe they consider healers more difficult to tune properly and/or a lower priority? In either case that wouldn’t rule out MW getting help the following week or something.

wow. so soon. :no_mouth: