Class tuning changes Dec 15th

+20 for pve -20 for pvp

sound like it washes?


Can you elaborate on some of the other stuff? I watched a video and it doesn’t look interruptible via kicks or something. Does it just go in a straight line? Does it target someone so if I move, it’ll follow? What kinda range?

50 yards , you can also negate damage using, teleport (monk,lock) can’t be kicked but can be negated with some abilities

Seriously?! So if I’m kiting and around half health, and he casts it, what are my options? Coming from a boomy.

I mean stunning is likely out of the question. Not sure if I spam it which will go off first once he charges me. I’d assume him. Casting can’t happen in time. Maybe I could time incap/typhoon during the travel time. It looks pretty fast but I could try. Just looking for tips.

I mean, they are not really strong

You can root them before, root them during and root them while they are running to you.

Once again, not a blink. After the 1 second cast they run at you.

Dont tell me you cant do it, it literally happens to me all the time lol.

It is by far the easiest Cov ability to flat out shut down.

To your other question. Its semi homing, but it breaks on elevation even, if you are slightly up a hill, they wont reach you, its like a follow command kind of.

Mmmmmmm you could root but it will only cancel de ability not waste it, only NE druids can Shadowmeld it and make the DH waste it.

What about Frost Mage??

Aoe? They’re the best DPS in single-target raid encounters as well.

Can we get back our mobile Soothing Mist please

Fury is not gonna be fixed with a 5% buff. 3 changes to fury would make the class feel so much better. double time baseline should be a thing, or storm bolt (but im fine being forced to talent into our only hard cc sure thats fine) but stop making us chose between getting kited or having no kill pressure.

Bloodthirst should heal whether i do damage or not. The healing i recieve is not based on the damage i do so why is it when i get dodged or IMMUNE popping up on my screen i can actually utilize my only defensive cooldown that isnt locked behind literally swapping my weapons.

to fix pve single target all u gotta do is make onslaught on a different row then massacre and fury is instantly fixed imo, onslaught PERFECTLY aids the horrible downtime between 80-35% but without massacre we are legit a dumpster fire

 what I’m saying is roots are a longer than 1s cast. Which means I quite literally can’t. Unless you use it after they cast root which is
 your mistake? Lol. I mean if you use it a million yards away then sure it’ll go off before you reach me. It moves quite fast after watching vids on it. Again, I’m not complaining. I’m just trying to form reasonable counters in my head and to me if I start rooting when I see you cast it, I feel like 9/10 times it hits me. That’s not the move.

Ehhhhhhhh lol. C’mon man. Can’t say that to a druid :stuck_out_tongue: essence of focusing iris
 or a 1s cast.

Ah really? So it won’t incur the cd? Will it if it roots you after you start charging?

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I mean you had to be 100% accurate, haven’t experience it yet but in Theory you could, because Monk and Lock Teleport timed correctly counter the damage.

You cant cast roots when they start glowing, if the are far away, it will work.

Its not that fast, depending how far away they are. I also didnt mean your roots per se, just roots in general will stop it.

Yes, thats why I said if they are far, root them, it will cancel if you root them while running, or fear them or whatever.

Idk, I was playing with Flapz when we saw it, and its usually being used when the target is stunned, or low and from very close. I am not saying the ability is the worst ability in the game, but kind of hard to save trinket, wall, etc for only that one ability lol

Most of what you guys are saying is trying to counterplay around your opponent just using it willy nilly whenever, not one using it intelligently.

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Because no DH has learned to use it “intelligently” apparently because DH players are brainless. One day they’ll learn how to press their instant 20k burst button when their targets are CC’d :frowning:

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Are they? I didnt look or anything I just figured that’s why lol their aoe is always nutty.

Buff MW /10char

Honestly destro is the ugliest least fun most boring caster in the game right now IMO. I’d literally rather see them scrap it than double down on encouraging this fat chaos bolt meta inside cd windows. Especially now that we’re back to wotlk pacing, some dramatic changes need to be made. Because as is destro can’t exist in a healthy manner. its either doing competitive damage with these obnoxiously slow chaos bolts, which would mean disgustingly high burst., or it’s garbage. Doesn’t seem like there’s room for something inbetween. Like it’s either going to be insane toxic infernals. insane toxic chaos bolts. or nothing.