Class Tuning -- August 22nd

it’s been s tier for the entirety of dragonflight except for the last two weeks.

  • MM damage buffs are hilariously misguided
  • Mass invis change good apply it to camo as well
  • Assa damage buffs make me sick people have no idea what this spec is still capable of
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Why is Tank doing more damage than a spec centered around the very idea lol?
Oh wait ik, you guys gotta hear me out! It is bc they’re an indie company! :rofl:

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why do they keep buffing rapid fire? marksman is one of the most toxic specs


Hpals need nerfs

  • Explosive Shot damage increased by 20% in PvP.
  • Beast Mastery
    • Kill Shot deals 10% increased damage in PvP (was 9% decreased).
  • Marksmanship
    • Master Marksman talent effectiveness in PvP increased from 7/15% to 12/25%.
    • Rapid Fire damage is increased by 40% in PvP (was 25%).

i’m in danger


oh no
the rogue’s keyboard might malfunction due to drool shorting the circuit board


Yeah I’m starting to believe this too. The fact is lava lash build got nerfed to unplayable because it has no kill pressure. Now they nerfed ENH (not saying the one shot didn’t need nerf) but didn’t adequately compensate the sustained to create kill pressure. Yet all 3 mages and rogues go basically untouched while arcane one shots just get applauded because it’s one of the most popular classes.

I blame the community too. Everybody asks for nerfs to everything until only mages, rogues, and a token spec or two are left.

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I couldn’t agree with this more!

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I wonder if there’s one dev who does all the PvP balance changes. Or if there’s a committee.


but also yes
there’s a pvp team
but the pve team can veto them
not really sure why

source: dilly

im just saying if im building a race car, i personally would not care about the input of a resort manager, or anyone else who isn’t a race car builder

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You can all join me in M+ now!


drop a tag

fingers crossed

I’m actually curious to see how the pve defensive stance buff will work in pvp. It’s listed under protection, but how they change it will determine if it effects the other 2 specs or not. Right now, all 3 specs share the same spellid for defensive stance so the pvp modifier effects all 3 at the same rate. Prot warrior however, has 5% less damage taken added to their protection warrior hidden passive that gives it 20% damage reduction instead of 15%. If they reduce the damage dealt portion via that same passive, it won’t apply to arms/fury, but if they just reduced it via the base spell, it will apply to arms/fury (both in pvp and pve).

Yeah this is an arms nerf for sure even if anybody thinks the MS and bladestorm are going to compensate for warbreaker/avatar. I don’t see it happening. Our burst window was nerfed pretty hard imo.

The arms changes are very similar to what they’ve done with frost dk. In the case of frost dk the sustained damage outside of cd’s is nowhere near enough for any amount of buffs to make it a viable trade, but for arms I’m not so sure. It’s most likely not enough yet, but it could be close with 1 more pass sending them over the top. I know everyone wants execute buffs but when I play arms I really like overpower so kinda hope they buff that some more.

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I’ll have what he’s smoking please :joy:

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You must’ve only read half the warrior changes. Arms got nerfed. Or maybe just don’t read at all, who knows

Not a pvp change so don’t get your hopes up