Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

You don’t know bm well enough


No mistweaver buffs either for mythic+. Is it so much to ask that they have one decent covenant ability for AoE damage

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Holy priests really not on blizzzards radar for pvp or something?


I’m kind of confused why they don’t think AoE damage should be sufficient enough to hold threat. What do they expect tanks to do in big pulls?

That’s a head scratcher

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Been a lot longer than one season lad.

Man you guys are so bad at your job lmfao.

HAHAHAHA. As I said before, you’re all bad at your jobs.

Developer’s note: We don’t know what we’re doing someone please help us

I’m legitimately starting to wonder if every single employee at Blizzard is heavily under the influence while working.

It took you almost an entire year to realize there was a problem? Lmfao

Developer’s note: Seriously nobody’s even playing anymore guys let’s stop pretending we’re trying to fix things, we aren’t and even if we wanted to we don’t know what we’re doing pls send halp

So Fury never worked correctly and instead of addressing it while it was relative, you address it at the end after you ruin their spec? Y’all are way too good at making people quit. :joy:


You guys at Blizz really do hate DH don’t you. Just outright refusal to address the class in any manner at all, despite feedback given.


Where are Blizzard wrong in the statement that Deathborne is lasting too long?
It is incredibly strong and Frost mages just Frost Bolt spam for tons of damage

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That’s the point mate. It was broken beyond broken, and the fact that it lasting 50+ seconds in a single use is what finally alerted them to “Okay there’s a problem.”, just shows how poorly they’ve taken care of balancing.


Nerf Blood DK DMG and survivability please. Thanks


Is this only in PvP settings? Cause if this also applies to PvE settings that’s kind of a bummer.

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Dartboard I think

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rogues are not aoe classes… reasonably they’re singletarget.

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Should buff MW while your at it dmg their dps is horrible compared to all other healers


Congratulations, you’ve buffed one of the best M+ specs in the game by an insane amount. All you need to do is give WW an immunity and they’ll be guaranteed a spot in every group.


No joke I think windwalker will become a lot better in mythic+ now


Windwalker is already timing 31s, their main weakness was their poor single target. Now this weakness will be gone.


No substantial nerfs to destruction? Survival? What about buffing feral? Ret paladin? Hell what about buffing frost mage single target? How about buffing BM more than a grain of salt at a time? Why not balance the classes a little more? Nerf to blood dk? Nah fam… Buff balance druid single target? Nah… How about a better burst window for arcane mages? Nope not that either… How about nerfing holy priests in pvp? Why would you remove demon armor for warlocks anyways? Buff affliction warlock too? Nope… Just ask if these changes and the crappiness of this expansion and the horrendous balancing issues are why people leave your game in droves…


Please bring back demon armor you’re ruining a whole class in PvP


Cool. So why not buff Dispatch maybe?


Combat rogue used to be “the aoe spec”. I miss that toggle.