Class tier mog without tokens not learnable?

Why would the class tier from raids such as Blackrock Foundry and Tomb of Sargeras that are drops and not token items not be allowable to learn by other classes? These remain behind the class identity wall and makes little sense why we wouldn’t be able to learn Priest tier into our wardrobe on a pally with it still only usable on a priest. Hope that it would be updated to allow with the tier tokens becoming warbound, or at least insert tier tokens into the raids that didn’t come with them originally.

Simple, because it wouldn’t be Blizzard if they didn’t introduce a huge QoL improvement and find some way to mess it up.

I was looking forward to the transmog changes until I read that one section about still having to be on the right class during a run to get the unlock. Surely the entire point of this change was to eliminate the need to be on the right class and dramatically cut down on the reliance of RNG for mog runs…right? Instead we get being able to unlock quite a lot more per run, however the things most people want (class sets) from expansions like Legion still require you to be on the right class if it even drops…because, reasons?