I would love to see some classes be reverted back to how they used to play, like ele shamans in MoP… that mobile lighting bolt felt amazing or shadow/disc priest in WoD where they used shadow orbs, classes felt fast paced and engaging but now I’m having a hard time finding that
Blizz definitely needs too take a look at how classes used to be and what made them fun. BfA and SL classes have been rather blah. The number one culprit, imo, has been the borrowed power systems of BfA and SL - namely azerite powers (including neck), corruption, Torghast legendaries, souldbinds, conduits, and covenant powers.
Classes need to be complete at max level and made better by gear - that is what class sets used to do. The paradigm of the past 3 expansions has been classes aren’t complete without their borrowed powers. The Legion artifacts were a bit different, because they acted like part of the character and were the same for everyone, but the Legion legendaries were still a pretty bad system.