Class That is Easiest to Play vs Class That is Hardest to Play

I have played most classes in Wow over time. All of which I have enjoyed trying out and experimenting with. Some classes I found easier to play and some harder. But I also realized that each class has it’s pros and cons depending on situation, location, level, and enemies being confronted. As well as party composition, and whether in a group or solo.

This includes; outright power output; dps, defense, movement, speed of casts, self healing, and general game-play as well as over-all survive-ability. In any situation and environment. As well as a big helping of fun, and simplicity.

I will also try to ask the question this way; plus ease of use. A class that only takes a few button presses vs a class that has a bunch of button presses to do the same thing.

I personally enjoy the Mage class. Just seems to me to have the best balance for all occasions. Yes that’s my favorite. But I base that on my own experiences playing Wow.
As far as hardest to play, I found Discipline Priest hardest for me to play.

I would love to know what everyone else’s choice is. Which Class has all around utility in your experience. And is your favorite go-to class? And which class would you never player again.


Well… you kinda gave the answer most people would perhaps give.

For this however:

Demon Hunter. I simply don’t like playing an overrated race.


I’ve tried playing Rogue. Hate it, will never play it again.
But oddly Feral Druid is my favorite, despite being basically a rogue in cat form.

I find any pro-active healers to be the most complicated to play for me. Having to know when to expect incoming damage and prepare accordingly is more challenging for me than mastering a complex damage rotation. But despite that I do like playing healers and healing in general.

Though I’m not a skilled end game player so my opinion isn’t really worth much. I don’t have the experience of trying to play anything in legit challenging content.

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For me Druid.

Death Knight. Cool class hall, fun gameplay. Plate looks cool. I have 3 ><.

Demon Hunter, it’s just not fun for me. While anyone of any age can play it, I feel too old for DH, feels like a ‘20s’ or younger class to me. The zipping around blade dancing confuses me.

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All-around utility is druids, as the obvious answer. Love 'em.
Fave go-to class is hunter (biased, since my first toon (the one I’m posting on) is a hunter).
As for most disliked… I’d have to join the others and say Demon Hunter. I like the concept of them, but the very movement-heavy play style + the amount of buttons they have makes it feel bad (for me, personally) to play.

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I generally focus on specs rather than class so some of my favorite (and easiest to play) Alts are:

-BM and MM Hunter
-Fury and Arms Warrior
-Frost Mage.

The one Class I don’t (and probably won’t again) play is Evoker as, for me, it’s just a nothing Class.


For me, probably warlock. Its a strong dps, has self heals and pets to help in a variety of situations.

Umm…this one? :sunglasses: I have more hunters than any other class. Just love the class vibe, although if they could reset Survival I’d be happier.

DK. I did it once to get the class hall mount but I dislike the lore, the playstyle and just allover dislike it. Evoker comes a close second.

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I usually skip around so this is hard to say. Easiest? At one point I think this was mm hunter, and hardest was probably Legion shadow priest.

A class I have a hard time playing is Mage… it’s just pretty boring overall to me. Although frostfire coming back has me interested.

Utility? Shamans. You have an answer to every single problem in the game. The problem Shamans have is they have too much utility to choose from and they have to actually pick and choose which utility they bring with them on that run…where every other class is just grateful to have some.

Easy? Subjective really…but if you wanted to remove opinions and just be logical it would probably be Ret paladins. Warriors and Hunters would come close but they both require you to stare and watch something like a charge or power bar…where a Ret paladin only has the 5 charges and its built into the standard WoW ui center of the screen. So for just selfish easy dps…Ret Paladin…and if you wanted complexity from the class just start throwing out your group utility that a Warrior cannot do.

Hardest classes to master? Druids/Shamans. Shamans just because of recent builds and needing weak auras to track stuff thats not tracked by default in wows ui. Druids because of just how high the ceiling is on its specs due to being able to switch forms and fill all roles within a single gcd.

Favorite Class? All around, paladin. Specifically prot paladin. But for when wanting ranged? Mage. Although…Mage has really lost its way this expansion. The current version of Frost mage is saddening. Frost mage used to have such a beauty in the way its rotation flowed…now…its chaotic in comparison with micro managing and watching timers/procs.

Classes I’d never play again? I still cant find myself able to finish leveling up my Rogue and Death Knight. Used to have fun leveling those 2 classes…but this expansion and version of them i just really cant get into at all. I could finish leveling my DK in a matter of hours and i still cant bring myself to do it and rather just watch a netflix movie.


I’ve played every class to max except rogue and dont play demon hunter. So I’ll list my thoughts. But if don’t want to read a rambling post…I’ll sum it up now (keep in mind, mostly do stuff on my own)

Mage is by far most fun to me personally, I also find it the most challenging and sadly it can be very frustrating sometimes cause most of the time I’m on my own…and paladin is so much easier and sturdier and can do so much on their own in comparison, but paladin is boring I just play it cause I can be a tanky DPS (tankier than warlock) and do tons on my own.

So onto the classes…

mage I covered. But will expand a bit. Mage in DF has more defenses than almost any dps spec, outside the anamolies (ret paladin , and warlock, and I find mage actually has MORE defenses overall than warlock just much harder to use those defenses need skill)

Paladin easiest and most boring class in the game, but is so OP I play it cause can do insane solo stuff with it. Play this class if you want to be a Naru born of the light and want to win the game.

Warlock - Probably the second EASIEST tankiest dps spec, has less defenses than mage, but far easier to use those defenses, I also personally find it very easy just in general but kinda on slow side for me. Not sure if a fan or not, but it is easy to play.

Priest - Its ok, I only like shadow and somehow its harder and squishier than mage so I never play it

Shaman - You get hit by a pillow and die, and then get told resurrection is your self defense ability thats why you dont have defenses

Hunter - People say this is THE solo class only remember how it used to be. Other classes are better now. Mages, ret paladins, warlocks…evokers…even shamans…have far more defenses and self sustain than you. You got a pet, but so does warlock and you barely have to heal the warlock pet, so not much an excuse. However it is super easy to play, you have like 3 or 4 buttons to press and sometimes SURPRISE another button

warrior - getting massive nerfs next expansion, pass

evoker - new class on the block. Super fun, lots of defenses, probably the most defensible (and only defensible) mail class in the game, but gets squished when hit by a pillow like shaman…why does mail armor not work? cloth classes and leather classes and plate are all sturdier lol

demon hunter - dont play

rogue - I’ve tried to level as rogue and its the hardest class in the entire game (for me) to level. Die to everything, so I dunno how to play one…its super fun and all, but can’t do simple quests in the world without dying xD Maybe I’m missing something, tried all 3 specs and they all die to anything that requires a 3 person group…which…every single other class can do fine. You also die if get a mob of enemies on you like 4 minimum and its too much. 3 barely can do it. I dunno, must be missing something. I’d play one if I could figure out…how to play…but mage is 1000000x easier lol

druid - most boring class in the entire game, yeah I’m posting on a druid, tried it out, hate it. No offense to those who like druids, I’ll say collecting animal morphs is SUPER cool, just can’t get into it at all. balance is kinda squishy and weird, guardian is too slow

monk - brewmaster is surprisingly really good, most dps and sustain of any tanks. Windwalker the same. Its also super challenging cause you have the most amount of buttons of any class, so I don’t play much of mine because its a bit TOO many buttons, but amazing class

death knight - Needs more cosmetics, every race loses all their cool cosmetics after choosing DK. So I do have one at max, love how they play, but hate how they look. DH kinda the same, but at least DH gets a ton of custom stuff and skins

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I have always been a DPS. By experience, the most difficult was the shadow priest. The easiest melee class for me is a toss-up for unholy DK or ret pally. The easiest ranged class for me is destro Warlock

I personally don’t think any class is really “hard” per se, it’s more about spending enough time to learn the muscle memory reactions you need for whatever situation you find yourself in. That said, for me, tracking lots of things at once is something I don’t enjoy, so something like a outlaw rogue is not fun.

My favorite is disc priests, I have like four of them of various levels. It’s more normal for healers to do damage these days, but when it started it wasn’t and I liked nuking stuff to heal.

My druid and paladin are the most flexible when I’m not sure what else to play.

Hunter for open world, sit back and chill.

I think monk is deceptively bloated. Conceptually its not complicated (most things aren’t) and they have an answer to everything that would challenge themself while their group utility is basically just helping other people kite. At least with ww you pretty much always know your next three globals and most procs are self made so you know when to make a slight pause before your next global incase it comes up.

On the flipside I think rogues are hard if you are self focused. Pve is whatever and its the opposite problem of monk with cp flooding and energy pooling which varies from cycle to cycle. Pvp if you’re a struggling warrior and you suddenly go rogue I think you’re just going to struggle more because it’s more unforgiving against doing the wrong thing.

For me, Beast Master hunters are my favorite.
I greatly enjoy the situational control, ability to do all my attacks on the move, pets are really fun, they have a range of damage mitigations and a few heal options.

Alternatively my Prot pally is pretty fun, can tank and self heal, mitigate damage to my friends, and very easy to play.

There isnt s class I wont play, I actually spent a lot of time maxing out one of every class and race in Shadowlands. I wanted tk be able to understand other players better by getting an idea of how other classes work.
But…spec wise, Holy Paladin’s…just cant figure that one out.

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My go to easy and comfy class is demo lock. Of course BM hunter is easier, but it takes it to an extreme where its not really fun.

For the one I just can’t get into and feels way too clunky, shadow priest and prob disc also. Priest just feels incredibly outdated to me.

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I find my human mm hunter is the easiest to pick up when I return after a long absence and my sin’dorei blood death knight easiest to play over all.

I find my dwarf enhancement shaman and draenei retribution paladin are the hardest to pick back up when I return after a long absence and both can be hard to play when I am not in the mood to think and just want to pound :poop: (which is why there is arms warrior :grin: ).

I think it is because they are a combo of ranged and melee and it mucks with my brain.

Mage. Obvs.

Human arcane mage is my favorite for the class fantasy.

I don’t really have a fave go-to as I play all my characters at whim but I tend to break out my night elf feral druid to get back in the game but that might have more to do with her story being really easy to continue since she just follows Hemet Nesingwary from expansion to expansion.

Monk. Any monk, does not matter.

Just cannot deal with punching forest animals in the nose.


Sometimes you really just need to slap Bambi around


Made me laugh!

:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: for you!

And if I ever have a day at work so bad that pounding on :poop: with my arms warrior fails as a stress reliever, I will keep that in mind.

Hunter, best DPS and survivability for how I like to play.

Utility: druid. Even if I think the DPS specs both suck with my preferred way of play I still like the ability to do everything.

Worst: before dragon flight it would have been rogues. I do not like leveling rogues. I started working on the stay classy achievement for my private guild so I am forced to level many rogues. I would prefer the gameplay of outlaw but assassination seems to be the spec I can get the best DPS out of so been playing that. I believe I only need 4 more rogues. I started them all and will probably level them at 200 xp bonus and use the exp draught.

After dragon flight, evoker. I do no understand that class at all. Mine is currently sitting at 61 or 62 due to pushing him through some time walking dungeons or mining or something. I honestly do not know how I leveled him.

I love Shamans, have mained one since I first tried it in Cataclysm, I have 8 of them on my account, I can’t not play Shamans.

I can’t stand Rogues, it’s not fun, you’re too squishy. Feel like I have to pop CD’s if I want to fight more than one enemy at a time. Don’t like waiting for my energy to recharge (same reason I can’t stand Feral).

The class/spec that I find easiest to play is probably Ret Paladin? The most straight forward builder/spender, your priority is easy, you only have one spender. It’s a great spec but it’s pretty easy to play and do well.

The class/spec I find hardest to play is Fire Mage. I will never be able to play that class. Not for me.

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