bringing some context i am a mythci raider and mythic+ enjoyer and also a break the meta #1 from my server and 4rth on americas that being said when i played cata it was my frist expantion during the last weeks of firelands and dragonsoul some people say its bad some people say it was hard, i honestly want to play it from the start at 60 fps this time and during my precius cata times all i did was hang out with friends on dungeon finder and LFR which for me was the greatest experience ever to let new players see the final cutscene.
which class do you think has the most potential to get into groups for raiding 10 man between rogue (playing combat and assasination depending on encounter) paladin (playing ret-holy for raids and prot for dungeons) or warlock (demonology-Affliction)?
how does gamma/beta/mythic + works on classic?
which class do you think has the most potential to get into groups for raiding 25 man between rogue (playing combat and assasination depending on encounter) paladin (playing ret-holy for raids and prot for dungeons) or warlock (demonology-Affliction)?
i honestly dont know if buff stacking its a thing from the past or not i did some research and alot of world first were done with class stacking and wierd shenanigans like summoning people middle of the encounter; in Retail a good staple for raiding its Mage, lock and dh, is there such thing as staples in 10 man?
sorry for the wall of text as leveling takes awhile i want to only level what would not be a meme class even if its not the strongest i dont have a problem, my problem would be if the class its literally dogwater like ret paladins on classic wow.