Class mount for new Paladin in Dragonflight

Greetings fellow Paladins,

Been away from WoW and coming back, never got my PALADIN class mount :frowning:

I’ve done the achievements on other characters (order hall/breaching the tomb) but do I need to complete them with a Paladin/‘This’ character?

All online guides I’ve found simply say complete the achievement(s), but nothing about if you’ve already done it or not.

Thank you for any clarification!

Yeah, if you want the Class Mount you’ll have to play through the Paladin Order Hall Campaign at least once. After that it will be unlocked for all Paladins on your account.

You’ll also be able to purchase a Glyph from the Order Hall to change your Divine Steed into one of the Horse Variants.

Ok, thank you so much for the research!

The paladin class hall campaign is so sick if you a paladin main you will love it.

In general legion was such a huge point in lore and flavor to the class. Everything legion brought to paladins was just cheff kiss