Class imbalance

You plan on balancing the classes anytime soon?
Such an easy fix. Why not do it? Ruining the game. Are you going to repeat your same failures as original wow? Server is overrun by the same 4 overpowered classes/specs. Why do some classes only have 1 viable spec for pvp and pve? Why are some classes great for pvp and pve any spec? Why are some complete garbage for everything?
Why is the gap between the top 4 dps and the rest so large>?
You can’t possibly be this inept. This is clearly intentional. The game has lost it’s spark. You peaked with Wrath. I’m sure already you are seeing a decline in renewals and new subs. We are seeing it in game. Undeniable.

It’s Dragon soul tuning and people don’t want class changes

Blood dk and bear druids will be king until panda classic. I don’t know why they did this, I think it’s silly. Same classes will be meta the entire cata “classic”