I am trying to complete my Class Hall questline but can not get to the next quest. My 120 Dwarf Priest just finished “A gift of time” and turned it in to Alonsus Faol in my class hall. The next quest will either be “Blade in Twilight” or “The Light and the Void” but Alonsus does not have another quest available, and when I go to Dalaran to speak to Prophet Velen he is not where he is supposed to be, he is still in my class hall with no quest available. Please help, I’d like to progress! I’m trying to get my class mount and its very frustrating that I can’t finish this up.
Have you done the “Falling Star” quest line on your priest?
It’s the quest chain that takes you to Suramar and has the Exodar scenario.
Completing that quest chain is required for paladins and priests to progress their class hall.
I’ve completed it, Prophet Velen sent me away- I was then able to complete the Nexus storyline for my second weapon, and now I should be able to get a new quest from Velen in Dalaran but he isn’t there, hes just chilling in my class hall. The only quest I have right now is “Goddess watch over you” which I dont think is necessary to continue.
According the the completed quest tracker you’re further along in the chain than you thought.
Your next quest should be “The Best and Brightest” starting from Prophet Velen in your class hall and ending in Aszuna.
Thank you! Now I just have to get him to actually have the quest.
i am having an issue on my Mage Class Hall Quests are bugged