Class Fantasy (?)

Current Class Fantasies:

  • Rogue - Base kit, lots of similarities to a class in D&D which shares its name.
  • Subtlety - Extra stealthy with some shadowy influence.
  • Assassination - Kill things good, usually single targets. Poisons are a favorite.
  • Outlaw - Shares influences from pirates, wild west criminals, and so forth. Sort of an “out in the open solo” kind of person. Wild and unpredictable.

Possible Class Fantasies:

  • Ninja - It’d basically be the old combat rogue, but a little more thematic. Ninja could also be synonymous with the current Subtlety spec, so I can understand Blizzard’s choice in not pursuing this one.
  • Sniper - Ranged combatant/assassin, though I suppose it’d conflict too much with the existing Hunter/Marksman class fantasy. Sniping from stealth would be pretty dope though, but Night Elf hunters can still kind of do that via Shadowmeld and Aimed Shot.
  • Arcane Trickster - A more magically oriented Rogue would actually be really fun to see. Extended range for interacting with options, pick pocketing, opening locks, etc would add a lot of flavor to the play style. Aspects might be possible to incorporate into the current Subtlety spec though.
  • Trapper - I get that traps are the Hunter’s shtick in WoW, but players often associate traps with Rogues. Heck, Rogues are the only class that can disarm traps (whereas hunters cannot). Would it be a bad thing if a rogue class had a bunch of fun traps to play with? Or if their “in-combat” play style centered around gadgets and gizmos instead of just stabby stabby?

Other Ideas:

  • Outlaw rogues get more gold and stuff from pick pocketing because… well, they’re outlaws and care about that kind of stuff. Ya know?
  • Subtley rogues are significantly more difficult to detect while stealthed. Like they used to be in classic (if they picked up the talents for it). It’s flavorful and useful.
  • Assassination rogues have a way to slowly poison targets from stealth without breaking stealth and without entering combat. Not usable on bosses (for obvious reasons), but fits in with the fantasy perfectly and would be fun to use in open-world content.

Rogue is like warrior for me, The class fantasy is absolutely Infinite, Just as a warrior can be anything from a Degenerate Brigand to a Guan Yu style general with a pandaren Guandao, A Rogue can be anything from a filthy criminal to a forest stalker who’s just as outdoorsy as a hunter, It’s really how I play mine. b

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Ninja could probably be better with a two hander than just being another dual wield spec.

Rogue class fantasy: Unprune Gouge, Smoke Bomb and Dismantle.

You can thank me later diablo B team devs. :beers: :thinking:

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Rogue class fantasy.

See Vanilla, TBC and Wrah for the tool kit and options.

I preference the Vanilla lack of bonus damage talents that were piled on in TBC and Wrath.

I preference the elimination of RNG from the the Wrath talent updates.

I preference the TBC / vanilla layouts.

Tack on baseline shadow step, smoke bomb, dismantle, shadow walk, redirect and use the TBC energy based shiv mechanic that has zero cool down that can’t be dodged blocked or parried, and paralytic poison, and bring back the TBC versions of poisons too.

As for self healing, recuperate was better than health pot thingee, but really what we should have always needed was our own bandage mechanic that as it tics it clears DoT and Bleeds and heals us, has a 30 sec CD, and heals for a % of health.

Eliminate “mastery” as a special stat that augments some BS mechanic and simply make it reduce the chance your target will dodge, block, parry or resist your abilities by static value, like raw additive value minus dodge and parry. Example of you have 30% mastery, and your target has 30% dodge, well not any more and your attacks all land. However if your target has 30% dodge and 20% party that’s 50% avoidance, and now they have 20% avoidance because you have 30% mastery.

BOOM the rogue class is fixed and everyone can actually enjoy the rogue class again. Simple, elegant, effective, easy to learn but very very very hard to master, as it should be.

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I feel like in a way with sub they have hit the nail on the head with shadow dance being stealth abilities being used while not stealth. Obviously (i’m a pvper) it wouldn’t be fair if a rogue could just fight in stealth, but the ability to Sap off of a kidney shot every 20 seconds makes the utility of blind absolutely insane, and the spec’s fantasy overall unique. Going into an arena with an assassination or outlaw rogue, your worried about completely different things than “don’t trinket blind”