Current Class Fantasies:
- Rogue - Base kit, lots of similarities to a class in D&D which shares its name.
- Subtlety - Extra stealthy with some shadowy influence.
- Assassination - Kill things good, usually single targets. Poisons are a favorite.
- Outlaw - Shares influences from pirates, wild west criminals, and so forth. Sort of an “out in the open solo” kind of person. Wild and unpredictable.
Possible Class Fantasies:
- Ninja - It’d basically be the old combat rogue, but a little more thematic. Ninja could also be synonymous with the current Subtlety spec, so I can understand Blizzard’s choice in not pursuing this one.
- Sniper - Ranged combatant/assassin, though I suppose it’d conflict too much with the existing Hunter/Marksman class fantasy. Sniping from stealth would be pretty dope though, but Night Elf hunters can still kind of do that via Shadowmeld and Aimed Shot.
- Arcane Trickster - A more magically oriented Rogue would actually be really fun to see. Extended range for interacting with options, pick pocketing, opening locks, etc would add a lot of flavor to the play style. Aspects might be possible to incorporate into the current Subtlety spec though.
- Trapper - I get that traps are the Hunter’s shtick in WoW, but players often associate traps with Rogues. Heck, Rogues are the only class that can disarm traps (whereas hunters cannot). Would it be a bad thing if a rogue class had a bunch of fun traps to play with? Or if their “in-combat” play style centered around gadgets and gizmos instead of just stabby stabby?
Other Ideas:
- Outlaw rogues get more gold and stuff from pick pocketing because… well, they’re outlaws and care about that kind of stuff. Ya know?
- Subtley rogues are significantly more difficult to detect while stealthed. Like they used to be in classic (if they picked up the talents for it). It’s flavorful and useful.
- Assassination rogues have a way to slowly poison targets from stealth without breaking stealth and without entering combat. Not usable on bosses (for obvious reasons), but fits in with the fantasy perfectly and would be fun to use in open-world content.