"Class fantasy" is super important, and why people loved Legion

Give Aggrend a bigger budget please :pray:.

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I get they want to do this, but I genuinely wonder what audience they’re trying to appeal to. I don’t remember a ton of complaints around Wrath, even though Northrend felt very organic (save for Sholazar, which they gave themselves a precedented “because Lore” excuse). MOP, overall, felt mostly coherent & I don’t remember Pandaria like that being lambasted too much for that at least.

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I skipped WoD and when I came back for Legion I was super casual and did not make any effort to play optimally so I will take your word on that. When I say it was perfect, I mean I had fun playing it.

The playstyle for me, flowed much better than it does now. I was always hitting buttons until AS came off cooldown. Frantic with brief moments of calm when AS was casting. Now it’s a slog of waiting for cast times.

You certainly are spicy! Hehe

Random, but do like tea? May I recommend the brand “STASH” and their tea called “cinnamon apple chamomile”. I can confidently say (this isn’t biased lol) but it’s the best hot tea ever and you must add some honey. It tastes like autumn in a cup.

I am assuming you might like apple/spicy stuff because of your name?

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It was to me a borefest. It still is a borefest. Basically you act as an enabler for mana addicted elves. And the way you feed them is by giving them alcohol infused with mana.

So now youre creating alcoholic mana addicted elves. Eventually you grow the tree to make fruits but to get there you had to farm ridiculous amounts of manad and fly around suramar for hours trying to find pylons.

withered army training was awesome

Coherent but boring. To be honest, the worst thing you can do is be boring.

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you werent enthused about every pandaman saying slow down?

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I agree MoP is extremely boring for like 3 zones, roughly 400 quests in. Half the time you were making beer for the bears and doing farmers chores, yet again, being an enabler for alcoholics.

to be fair the people who made the best expansions were all part of the cosby suite

Absolutely haram.

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I do & that’s a good recommendation, I will keep it in mind.

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Are you saying this with regard to MOP as a whole, or the continent itself? Because in this instance, I was referring only to the continent & landscapes (eg, JF, Vo4W, KW, KLS, TS, DW all work together and fit)

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I think Cata really captured the Horde correctly, as your horde character is just complicit with aiding the forsakened with making the plague better. The ways in which you go about it such as summoning the spider god in Arathi Highlands named shadra in order to infuse the chemicals harder was a staple of something the Horde would want to do against the Alliance.

But even then the dragon aspects themselves are all really boring, even in Dragonflight despite not having bought the expansion most of the aspects were boring. The only non boring character was Iridikron who is actually a pretty cool villain, i would put him close to Illidan or Lich king tier.

The continent.

Out of curiosity, what about the continent did you find boring?

Doesn’t feel fantastical.

Just feels like Kung Fu Panda The Movie The Game.

The Dread Wastes are too little too late and also don’t mesh well with the rest of the continent anyways literally patritioned off by giant walls.

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I want fantasy in my fantasy.

I felt like both Wrath and Pandaria both did this really well. Which is probably a big part of why I enjoy both, the environments felt at least plausible, if not realistic. It made sense as I went from zone to zone. BFA also isn’t bad at all this way, but the two separate islands makes it feel disjointed.


I felt Jade Forest was sufficiently fantastical. With regard to Dread Wastes, I personally don’t get the criticism, it was basically just Townlong Steppes + Sha infestation.