Class design in this game is not good

I can’t possibly be the only one who hates needing to constantly switch between a pvp build and different pve builds constantly based on the content I’m doing. And on top of that I also have to constantly switch between pve and pvp gear?

When I’m out doing solo quests and queued for battlegrounds, I need to equip my PvE gear focused on AoE. And as soon as I enter a battleground I need to switch specs to my single target pvp spec and the best gear for that. It’s extremely tedious and sometimes I forget to do one or the other.

Same thing with raiding and dungeon queues.

There’s just too much switching of specs and gear. Why does it have to be that way?

Why do we need to choose between AoE and single target damage? Why can’t it be baked into a single spec and use the talent system for something more creative?

Can we at least have an option to have our gear auto switch based on the content we are doing? Let us place a pvp spec and a pve spec in our equipment manager. Then, when we queue for pvp, our pvp set is auto equipped. When we queue for pve dungeons, our pve gear is auto equipped. This should definitely be an option.


Haven’t we always done that if we wanted to be competitive?

Haven’t we usually had to do that, too?

But we have an equipment manager to save sets so we can quickly swap?

It doesn’t if you don’t care. Otherwise, it’s two buttons to hit.


Gear in the equipment manager only swaps with spec. But I’m sure there’s an addon out there that will probably change gear with talent loadouts.


No it’s not it would be bad class design if there was one build that could literally do everything.


Not saying one build has to do everything. There are heal specs and other things they can do besides force a switch between aoe and single target damage.

I don’t think I played any other game that forced this much shifting between gear and specs based on AoE or single target damage. Yes, you had to switch if you wanted to heal or damage, but not for other nonsense like in this game.

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You’re not forced. It’s still your choice. But the equipment manager and the loadouts means it’s two buttons to hit. Maybe one if you can find an addon that will do both.

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I haven’t’ done it, but I’m fairly sure you can macro the 2 change operations together.

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I know you can with addons, I was talking about with default UI.

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Sorry if that replied to you, I meant it to just reply to the topic for the OP.

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And one other comment…

Why do people call it a choice? You really don’t have a choice. You need to choose the aoe talents for specific high end group content and you need to choose the single target for specific high end group content. It’s not really a choice. That’s why I think both AoE and single target talents should be baked in together and use the talent trees for other things that don’t give us a false sense of choice.

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Min/Max’ing has been, and will forever be a part of every single game, sport, etc.

THe equipment manager gets you 99% of the way there. The talent tree imports/loadouts get you 99% of the way there. That last 1% is you clicking the “Apply/Activate” button.

Your gear auto-switches on Specialization if you set it up as so. But all of these complaints have so very little to do with class design “problems”, it’s just a plea for more QOL at best.

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Sounds like you are.

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PVP and PVE have to be separate because if they use only pve gear then mythic raiders are BIS with no skill at all.
They will never go al PVP gear because pvers will get upset and quit.

Sure you do. If people are just chilling and not caring, because they’re not doing something high end, they don’t need to swap from open world to LFR queue to unrated BG specs.

High end, not everyone does the same high end and may not need to swap.

Others? Sure, they can absolutely swap and if you’re doing Mythic RWF, you probably do want to swap.

But no one is forcing everyone to do it. It simply depends on the content type and if people do more than one and how much they care.

When i pvped all i had was pvp arena gear, and that used to be good gear, i used to quest in it, do dungeons in, kill people it in, everything

If you feel strongly enough you “need” a separate solo / questing spec you’re pretty deep into min/maxing.

Really not needs at all

I mean just depends on how far you want to go. But I think that’s why we have the tree as it is. Lots of options to go more passive if you don’t like buttons.

Yes maybe your simulated output will be lower but something I wish more people bear in mind is to play with someone you can execute well cause I’ve seen in practice people take complicated builds and just absolutely mess it.

Biggest culprits I seen stuff up is icefury ele sham and Spriest.

why even have talents, just make everyone use exact same set of abilities in every game situation.

And cut down them to like three and an ultimate.