Thank you Emerald Dream for always being the amazing community I’ve grown to love and supporting me in my Machinimating endeavors! I hope everyone who has a character in the video gets a chance to see it !!
Check out the cast, and a link to the premier below
Name - Server
Heltor - Emerald Dream
Vulrog - Blackhand
Withpuppys - Nazgrel
Gnarli - Azjol-Nerub
Eberwyn - Azshara
Dustfinger - Malganis
Blackflag - Stormrage
Astocha - Azjol-Nerub
Garmaunder - Jubei’Thos
Dynmath - Dawnbringer
Jimmythehand - Frostmourne
Noriban - Khadgar
Faelinaria - Silver Hand
Zeddan - Draka