Class changes and balancing to Cataclysm classic

Will there be any balancing in cataclysm classic? Were running on the last patch where BDKs are outhealing healers and doing 10x more healing than savage defense and/or blocked damage on pwar/ppal, where holy paladins seems to have infinite mana and can solo heal some heroic 10 content where some other healers will be struggling on mana in 10man normal. Some dps will be insanely stronger than other according to discords. It does feel like some classes will be overlooked entirely as they won’t be meta again. Are there plans to balance classes a bit so that a pwar isn’t the meme tank of an expansion again or holy priest can be relevant?

Through glyphs or simple buffs… we are 2weeks froms prepatch launch and we haven’t heard much about any class balancing.

As a pwar in my heart I was hoping for a better experience this time around.