Class Changes 2/25

Oh no…


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Yeah this is very in line with what I see. I guess scaling makes everything extra dumb though.

edit: I just checked and standing in Org Starsurge tooltip for me is 42k. If I hit the PvP target dummy and activate my “template” it goes down to 32k. So looks to be nerfed about 25% in PvP.

You missed the part where they also nerfed Tanks period. They not only nerfed DS but they also added 10% more damage to you. But wait, theres more…They in addition BUFFED other classes damage so tanks really got screwed here.

Why would you nerf defensives at same time as buffing most classes damage? Do one and queue the other in case its still needed.

This is like Battle for Gilneas. You have 2 nodes, you leave one alone to defend the other and then when they cap that everyone leaves the one they defended to try and retake the other while the opposing team just takes the now abandoned one. You dont provide ‘balance’ by making 2 changes that accomplish the same goal.

Oh no?


Yeah Im aware how arena people feel about tanks and imo they are wrong.

I know sometimes it can get out of whacked like ferals but for most part its like a utility role, especially in large group fights. I remember when in TBC people wanted to remove healers from arena also. Its like many arena players think fights should only be dps vs dps. They already whined blizzard into leaving engineering out of arena and worse they talked the devs into leaving it out of RBGs which they didnt even want to play in anyways.

I always felt they should create 2 or 3 different bracket types. One bracket of 2v2 3v3 and 5v5 with only DPS allowed and no profession stuff… and another 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 with anything goes.

Do they really though? :face_with_monocle:

LOL no, maybe you are.

And make the Q’ing pool that much smaller? Yeah, another bad idea.

Dk 50% heal nerf is way beyond heavy handed. Tweaks should be 5-10% then reevaluate the change. How much lack of oversight do you have at blizzard to just randomly cut a number in half in the 4th season.

And nothing to DH? 1v1 vs DH, a DK can match his damage and still die with DH barely scratched.

DK has no mobility and few defensives. DK does not avoid damage. That is why death strike is important.

At least change transfusion to make this ability to heal like b4.


No it wasn’t. No pure dps should heal for anything decent at all.

Wrong again. They have a spammable slow that somewhat negates their lack of mobility

And again, thats a hard NO.

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I wonder if the PvE balance dev and the PvP dev submit their balance changes separately.

I’m pretty sure DKs had to have the value of DS buffed dramatically early on in the xpac because they completely sucked and had necro strike fully buffed up

Necro strike is needed, DS is nerfed again so we are back to square one

We already know it didn’t work; it might have worked if every single dps got their healing nerfed and DKs are designed around being able to heal

25% would have been a more realistic number and maybe if death pact just killed the ghoul instead of necro striking ourselves 8 times in 1 global


I’m just going to have to agree to disagree. Sorry, no sympathy for dks.

It’s okay

You’re fine to be wrong

Just like blizzard were wrong at the start and had to correct it

50% was too heavy handed


Again…you should probably look up opinion. Your view is your opinion just like mine is mine. Saying i’m wrong doesn’t make you right champ. Keep trying though. Again, no sympathy for dks.

I’m well aware what it means

Your opinion could be wrong and in this case it may well be wrong

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Shhhh, calm down little DK. Your class is fine and will still be fine after Tuesday. The sky isn’t falling for your class.

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But was the buff enough…? I’m thinking no. Let’s get another 10% buff to FoF, Blizz.

But in all honesty, that buff still won’t be enough to make them good in raids and it’ll make them even better in PvP/M+, where they are already strong. They should have gotten like a 15% ST damage buff and a PvP damage nerf to offset it.

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It’s like you might actually have to use a CD now on burst :rofl:

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They’re tank/dps hybrids though. Death Strike is a Blood ability shared across all 3 specs. Only pure DPS in the game are rogue/mage/lock/hunter. Everybody else shares aspects of their other specs (or did, like stances for warrior before they got mutilated and now only arms has D stance, which Prot doesn’t have.)

Blizzard is having an identity crisis with classes since “class fantasy” ended with Legion.

At Blizzcon, Holinka pointed out that Blizzard heavily focused on spec fantasy for Legion.

They’re trying to make a return back to class fantasy for Shadowlands.

He has become the Unpruner.

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