Class Changes 2/25

demon armor does make them super tanky against melee, which has been an issue. Soul leech also needed to be targeted, but the demon armor nerfs will make the class less tanky.

Windwalker/destro is getting a 5% damage buff lmao. It’s already the most meta comp atm, the demon armor change won’t do much.

I’d like to see a nerf to kidney shot duration from 6 to 5, nerf kick duration from 5 to 4, make crimson vial a 1 min cooldown. Nerf the amount of haste destros have, make it so kicking fear locks them from fire spells as well and vise versa. For dhs get rid of blade dance or remove the dodging mechanic it has - it’s a cancer ability, make mana burn 1 min CD, reduce all dmg by 8% in pvp for dhs. For ww nerf all dmg by 8%, remove fists of fury parrying.

Give all druids cyclone baseline.


Aren’t the lock nerfs overkill? Your armor got cut by half alongside the stamina buff.

Wtf no, stop it…


I agree. and that will help, but melee are also getting concurrently nerfed in this patch. Warlocks still can conflag for a root, double coil, and then get off two chaos bolts and insta win. Warlocks also beat all other wizard classes just by being there. conflag does more damage than a starsurge from a boomkin or a non-crit earthshock from a shaman. which is insane. Not counting the fact that shammy/boomy CDs are babydick compared to infernal. The nerf helps, sure, but only vs melee. warlock doesnt even take demon armor vs wizards

lol stop Conflag doesn’t do that sort of damage.

I get non crit earth shocks for 80k sometimes lul

Demo needs another 10% buff

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Destro not getting damage buff; demo is. Which is just a buff to double warlock; i saw trustbolt and bewitch get R1 last ssn playing that comp. But you’re right, demon armor change isnt really relevent except into TWD or war/DH which is like… greentko and rio with cheerios/whoever that other DH is. Soul leech would be a MUCH more important nerf, OR making chaos bolt shadow school. Im fine with letting them cast incinerate/immolate, but not fear AND bolt. That’s insane.

I like changing blur to 2 min, but they’ll never do that because it’d mess with pve. I think blade dance shouldnt dodge non-melee effects like kidney/bash.

Rogue just needs vial healing halfed. but i like the kidney stun/kick change.

Agreed with cyclone too. I think it’s the highest skillcap “spammable” cc

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with or without lava shock? I just Qd into an ele/warlock where conflag hit for 48k and earthshock did 38k both non crits. It also wasnt a trinket proc.


  • Enhancement
    • Damage of all abilities increased by 3%.

I’m ok with this.

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Conflag does 100% of spell damage, Earth shock is 210%, Starsurge scales even harder than earth shock

I really hope you don’t think Earth Shock can overload lol

starsurge also has 50% reduction in pvp. And again, those things shouldn’t be comparable because its a major dump vs something you cast every 8s with haste

my bad, meant to say trinket proc for more dmg


you’re telling me starsurge does half its damage in PvP, like 115% scaling

Isn’t it Demo getting the 5% buff?–-february-25-2020/449864

If soul leech was the problem then aff locks would be just as good. It’s destros mastery that helps them be even tankier.


DH and Rogue escaping nerfs purely cause every top comp is running them and Blizz doesn’t wanna impact Arena qualifiers. Convince me other wise. No way they could miss the mark that much.


a lot to unpack here

1 - trustbolt was 900 games into barely above 2100 until the final week of the season where bewitch qd a handful of games with him on his alt warlock for regular glad
trustbolt in this hardcarried state didn’t come within 500 points of rank1 and still doesn’t have a 2700 achievement so i have 0 clue where you got that one

2- bewitch finished at his first 2700 (still 300 points off r1) playing spriest/demo/rdruid
even if he is a no personality magnusz top donator hes a significantly better player than trustbolt and neither of them are rank 1 players

almost every time you post anything you have to post this 5 minutes later

we should attempt to cut the middle out and maybe just think for like 90 seconds before hitting enter


Really good changes. WW buffs too much likely but overall very good.


Kidney Shot Rank 1

25 Energy Melee Range

Instant 20 sec cooldown

Requires Rogue
Requires level 30

Mighty Bash Talent

Replaces Nature’s Control
Melee Range

Instant 50 sec cooldown