Seeing as how PvE balance affects PvP as PvP doesn’t matter, the PvE charts currently paint a picture for what is going to happen next in terms of tuning.
I mean when you adjust a class 20% Of course it’s going to make a difference across the board. Shadow priest were already strong going into the changes. Same thing with WW, destroyed the class when they nerfed it 15-20%. There was no reason for them to nerf ww several times. Just people complaining and now they won’t do anything to DH or spriest.
They aren’t going to buff DH or spriest because of a raid single target. Most of the changes have been put in for the season. I’ll be surprised if we get any more changes until the next patch lol
They’ll do this weird thing where they’ll buff an underperforming PvE spec then let the buffs carry over to PvP, like they did with, say, Outlaw in Shadowlands despite it performing quite well in PvP (albeit with reduced participation/playrate).
It’s…something worth looking at, I think, if only a cursory glance.
There’s just no way what with how well it’s doing and how much it’s being played.
Yeah. It’s not super consistent, I think, but something that might be worth keeping an eye on. If Aff is the absolute bottom PvE spec and isn’t MASSIVELY overperforming in PvP then it might get, say, a 4% buff that carries over. Even if the spec is good in PvP.