Class Balance is Terrible in High End M+

Prot just isn’t fun at all vs magic damage/caster mobs , which is a great deal of the pulls in M+

This is a thread about M+ my dude. Also, no offense, no one gives a %%%% about tank balance in raid beyond WFR. It actually doesn’t matter. Tanks only die if they’re bad pretty much. I’m not really interested in arguing about it, just ask the man himself Limit Max.

Prot sucks against multiple unkicked casts for sure. But if your kicks are on-point, then Spell Reflect is pretty good. Reflecting an 80k bracken bolt is big dam (reflected shadow core is big damn too).

That’s the thing. Spell reflect is great but its inconsistent. There’s some things you just can’t reflect. Which is bull crap, and there’s no indication you can’t. So I guess I’m just gonna have to eat the mechanic

Can’t kick every cast or stun them . That applies for DOS…

If they would just split the packs on the inner ring of DOS, it would be far more forgiving to Prot to split them (slower and worse than every other tank but doable).