If you’re going to do this then maybe remove kill count for any mobs that get snapped to locations they are not meant to be in because that’s also a cheap explo… strategy.
NO buffs for Surv hunters still?
Arcane is really strong right now, what are you smoking? It’s just not more OP than fire rn.
Yeah, this exploit should be removed already.
How are you going to look at WW Monks and MM hunters, see that their damage is low like on par with DHs, then buff only those 2 classes/specs while Havoc DH, Surv Hunter continue to sit at the bottom?
“In general, this patch was not intended to be a significant shakeup to current damage balance.” Well you buffed classes like Ret pallies and ele shamans who now sit up on top of some fights in CN. Lastly, we’re not looking for a shakeup, we’re looking to be viable enough vs now where you can only bring one DH for the magic buff. Do better, and do more. Don’t need a “shakeup” but balance better so that you using the term “class tuning” isn’t a meme (which it is right now).
They absolutely should add a 4th spec. The balance argument has never been a compelling one. Has never stopped them from adding new classes and the like.
The situation involving hunters is Blizzard’s own doing. If they wanted to make a melee spec for hunters so badly it should have always been a 4th spec. Not deleting a spec with dubious reasoning.
going to be honest this is a slap in the face to survival mains. why are you not adjusting our st take the 5% aura buff we didnt need it. our aoe is fine we need raptor strike and kc to do 15%-20% extra damage. if you dont care about sv why is it even in the game anymore it feels really bad to be in love with a spec and then constantly ignored every patch or tooning wave.
Patch 10.0
I’m ~i207, and fully buffed my Condemn damage often looks like this:
2,300 … etc…
I don’t know what’s causing these occasional HUGE bursts of damage (even a Crit would still be in the mere 4k range), but I look at the OVERALL terrible performance of Arms and want to throttle someone at Blizzard yelling “all you have to do is even out the damage of Condemn! HOW FREAKING HARD CAN THAT BE???”
It’s maddening how easy it would be to just slightly bump the worst specs … but OHHHH NO! Blizzard has proven for 16 years now they only have one method: broad, sloppy strokes … or nothing at all.
A third grader has a better grasp of the basic math going on here. >(
It’s certainly not bad in keys, but it’s not good for raiding right now. There’s too much movement for it.
After a few 3% buffs, assassination and havoc became almost middle of the pack. Just a few more and demo will be the same.
I do.
Yes we do have to nerf ret. We have too much damage. Just because we have been doing poorly does not mean we should be able to oneshot every 2 minutes.
Could Survival get some love at least once? A lot to ask, I know. My favorite spec really needs to be a bit more viable.
If this is supposed to be a compensatory buff WW should have got a minor single target buff to go with the increased aoe. 9.0.5 hit both after all
Assassination is actually like the top ST now (if you include changes to Venthyr).
Havoc is also absolutely destroying cleave / AoE. ST also looks very strong but I didn’t pay much attention to their logs.
This is something but the spec is still noticeably nerfed compared to pre-9.0.5. More compensation, please?
Frankly, I think they are not doing enough to balance all the specs of classes so that all are reliably playable. Too often only a small percentage gets a “sorta buff” which is not much but then it gets nurffed.
Probably they won’t for the same reason they aren’t increasing sub damage. People can get one shot in a global if you keep increasing damage.
MM usually prefers to double tap rapid fire in PVP over aimed shot ever since the nerf to aimed shot in DT. So I doubt that would be why. Though I agree it’s unlikely to get anything else until 9.1.