Clarity please on Water Strider

one question.
Do I have to buy something on EVERY alt in order to have water walking back on the Water strider I ALREADY did the grind for?

If no, someone here needs to get their facts straight before posting errors.

If so, sorry, I shouldnt have to BUY something I already EARNED.
If you cant figure that out then I really cant help you.

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No, I used to have unlimited texts and minutes on my phone, and every family member’s phone, but I had to use a specific phone to get it. Now, I’m being told “Hey, you can use whatever phone you want! And get unlimited minutes for yourself, and a discount for every family member!” That’s not an improvement.

The next MoP timewalking is Sept 3rd. So, yea.

Making a mountain out of ant hill is all it is.

Do you get 2 free water walking mount equipment token things if you have both striders, or just 1?

again…Do I have to buy something on EVERY alt in order to have water walking back on the Water strider I ALREADY did the grind for?

If no, someone here needs to get their facts straight before posting errors.

If so, sorry, I shouldnt have to BUY something I already EARNED.
If you cant figure that out then I really cant help you.


are you subbed right now?

Yes, the way it is now you will need to buy a flotation…thing for every character that wants their mount to walk on water, including the water strider. But the worst part is if you want to use another piece of mount equipment, the current one is destroyed and you need to buy another one. It gets consumed on use.

So even if you do have the rep, and even if you dont mind flying to freaking Anglers every time you want something, or I guess have a stack of them in your bags… who knows how much it’ll cost, even if it’s at a reduced rate. It’s still more than it is now to use my water strider, which is free.


Till May 7 and 8 because of wasting money on that stupid non floating boat mount twice.

Was considering letting the portal thing go…then I find out they expect me to pay for EVERY character to get back my water walking I did the grind for.

Just glad they did it now before I paid for more time.


omg…are you serious?
And these people have no problem with this?
its no wonder Blizzard keeps pulling this crap with the knights in here defending this nonsense.

Just SOOOOO glad they did this before my subs expired.
The wife is going to toss a fit after I convinced her to do the grind for the strider.


Yes we do have a problem with it as it makes no sense. They can do whatever they want with the mount equipment system, I actually like it, problem is the water strider needs to be left alone. It wont benefit from any other equipment slots and be done with it. Created a problem once again where there wasn’t one.


Seems to be an ongoing thing with Ion and crew.


It’s not an account-wide buff.

Each toon will have an equipment slot in their mount journal. One toon can only have one equipment slotted, and that equipment will give the same buff to all that toon’s mounts - except Sky Golem. Changing the buff can be done by slotting in a new equipment, which will destroy the one previously slotted.

If you want equipment on 20 toons you will need 20 equipments, you cannot post one around and re-use it any more than you can re-use a gem.

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Quitting over portal and mounts?

Not the completely flawed and broken end game progression system, or Warfronts and Islands being core gameplay systems that feel unrewarding and boring.

No wonder nothing in this game ever gets fixed, you all care about petty little crap.

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I once quit a job because I got moved to a cubicle without a window. Trivial, right? Except that management was hostile, the good coworkers had already left, we were working 12 hour days without extra pay and I wasn’t even enjoying the actual work any more. The cubicle with the window was the only thing about the job that I still liked. Moving me was the last straw.

It’s amazing how enough little things end up being a big thing.

Also, not everyone plays the game the same way. End game progression? What’s that? & I actually like warfronts. What’s a big deal to some players isn’t to others and vice versa. Imagine that. :wink:


So you’re blaming the broken game on players disliking an unnecessary change, and not on Blizzard choosing to waste their time on removing portals and creating unnecessary equipment systems for mounts? Sounds like you ought to be demanding to know why breaking the water strider took priority over fixing the game, rather than telling forum posters that we’re the problem.


Sure. And then the next current area will be a no-fly zone. And then there is next expansion to consider where everyone will be grounded for half the expansion yet again.

You think, please.


Irrelevant. Play the current expansion, without whin…worrying about the next one.

Life is to be savored, grasshopper.

Agreed. But they know good, and well a lot of people would just continue to use the strider instead playing into their little gold sink gimmick lol. That imo is why the water strider is losing it’s water walk ability.

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which means they can allow exceptions.
Which also means they could have left the mount we did the grind for alone…but chose not to.
Typical behavior from these jokers.