Has there been any official statement on the future of delve keys and undercoins in 11.1?
I notice that on the 11.1 PTR both currencies get set to zero.
I’ve been floating a stockpile of both and would like to know for certain (while there’s still time to act) if I need to be focusing on burning through these.
(I tend to look at the currencies and potential mats and rolls for rare drops rather than power so I was hoping there’d be some sort of legacy coins/keys that the current season coins/keys would decay into … but if that doesn’t exist yet, I guess I probably should give up hope)
I expected this of course. But one question that I do still have is regarding currencies related to them; Coffer Key Shards and Radiant Echoes.
He wasn’t specific so as to include those. Several of the periodic quests for the 25 Key shards are up this week, was curious if it would matter or not to bank those and not convert them over to Key Shards… You can’t undo the conversion once its made, but if they’re not resetting THOSE, you could in theory start with a leg up on the amount of keys you could obtain that first week or two.
Good questions. I hadn’t considered either of those currencies. Seems like one of those things they might overlook. It happens pretty much every patch so it’s possible.