So, Steam has Civ 6 at a dirt cheap price. I know it’s an old game, but it’s a “classic”.
As a mostly casual player, I was debating whether I should just get the base game, or one of the bundles with the expansions and other stuff.
My concern is simply that the expansions will add mechanics that I probably won’t care about. But if the new mechanics are optional, there’s “Civ Classic” mode, then I can just have them and use them later.
I know Civ is already a complicated game, and I’d rather not make it more complicated. Just feel like pushing toy soldiers around a map, doing some city/nation building.
The modern trend is for more and more and more complexity. I got a well reviewed space 4X, but basically got my hat handed to me in the 3 times I played it, because I wasn’t keeping track of the dozen different resources and points and impact and whatevers. Just turned out to be wasted time for me.
So, anyway, curious about Civ 6. Pointers appreciated, the sale is going on for a few more days.