Civilian Friendly Guilds?

Hello! It’s been years since I’ve properly roleplayed on WoW and I’ve really been feeling the itch again lately. I was wondering if there are some guilds out there (Alliance preferred, but not opposed to Horde) that are good for civilian characters? They don’t have to be 100% civilian guilds as long as there actually are opportunities to interact with the guild outside combat themed events. I don’t have my character made yet so I’m not limited to any certain race/class.

If there aren’t any of these guild around, is the walk-up scene friendly towards such characters?


Civilians? You mean cannon fodder! In all seriously, there are a few I believe! I think Banners of Oakfield is one! Another I see is Crown Club! Not sure much about them! However, Stormwind has sooo much civilian role-play! Your best bet is always a human, but I think any race/class would do!


Honestly, you may consider some of the Argent guilds out there. You need not play a military function, but rather a civilian supporting role in them as I understand a few.


Hiya Limen!
waves excitedly
Fellow Civilian RPer here! I 100% agree with Raudel & Banshih! Argent Guilds are a good connection for a Humanitarian aspect in civilian life, and Stormwind is teeming with peasantry! Mercenary style guilds as well can offer a sense of belonging as they too need civilian class types to fill mundane roles. And of course, and Entertainment / Social events guilds (Inns, Pubs, Performance troupes). Oooo…there is also a fairly large Governmental and Aristocracy scene in game too… they need their fair share of civilians to interact with! If you have any questions or wanna chat about civilian RP, hit me up in game or on Discord (Yveti#0190) if you like. :two_hearts:


Hey there! If you want to work on the…discrete side of things, The Blackwater Company has opportunities for civilians! We have a whole fleet of ships to manage, a tavern to run, business deals to negotiate, and magical item study! We definitely have roles and constant RP with our company members, regardless if they are a back of house clerk or a highly trained assassin!


Oooo, and sometimes these type of guilds add fertilizers to your garden that REALLY make it pop! … though, it only seems to work in spots roughly the size of a man… odd.

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Thank you, everyone! I’ll be looking into these options over the week and very much appreciate all your help!


If you have interest in Quel’dorei/Ren’dorei and half-elves and the like, the Eversong Accord just started to roll out its senate/civil branches, and we’re actively looking for characters/players with interest in more slice of life rp tied to: civilian life, professionals/artisans, politicians and nobles, diplomats, and much much more!

We just got a blacksmith who is opening up shop, even, and we’re all super stoked about how more of that sort of RP will help fuel some fantastic opportunities for story.

More info here: [A-RP] <Eversong Accord> Elven Military, Politics, Magic, and Adventure

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Though we are a military naval guild, the Kul Tiras Tenth Fleet has roles and places for civilian characters. While we do have combat events, we also regularly have social, investigative, and diplomacy style events as well so that everyone gets a bit of something instead of just hack and slash. We’ve got a thread here on the forums that you can take a look at and feel free to reach out in game.