Circle of Healing removed in 11.1

Hey y’all do realize there’s a REASON nobody likes POH? Aside from the slow cast (which you’re increasing) and the heavy mana cost (which you’re increasing) and the mediocre throughput (which [thankfully this time] you’re increasing). We hate it because it’s proximity-targeted and that’s only useful to maniacs who have friendly nameplates turned on.

Make it a smart heal already. It sucks specifically because it’s not a smart heal. It gets wasted all the time because no other healer has to waste time with proximity heals, they have smart heals.

This is not some obscure preference, any hpriest who can read their own spellbook without choking on their tongue knew this. It does not require intensive polling and surveys of 10,000 players to find out why nobody likes POH. All you have to do is play the class in a normal raid. Like, once.


Indeed the “heals the target and the 4 nearest allies within 40 yards” is really concerning. If they are removing CoH and pushing us into PoH spam they should at least give it smart targeting like CoH and chain heal. Hitting random players that are all full hp is not ok.

This ‘rework’ is off to a rough start.


Why wouldn’t you use friendly nameplates as a healer? It really helps for casting sanctify.


Because it’s a trashfire of visual clutter to have that many nameplates visible and blocking the field. Healers work off raidframes.

Sanctify is quite easy to target by seeing player models. It’s also instant AND smart, so you simply use it after a damage wave on any clump of bodies. Preferably ones that aren’t in melee for rain/efflo/LOD/evokers to already be healing.


Cast time won’t be that much of an issue cuz PoH is affected by Lightweaver and Prayer of Circle.
So you can get really quick PoH spams of 1-1.5s

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No. You only get to do that if you’ve properly mentally managed the number if Lightweaver stacks that you have. Is it going to take twice as long to cast and only be half of what you were expecting it to be? I hope you have a charge of Lightweaver left and that you popped Apotheosis at the right time.

They should have just buffed the spell, not added multiple situational events that you have to align to use it, and it appears that we’re going to have to use it.

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It’s really not that much clutter and helps with situational awareness. I dispell a lot with nameplates as well, it helps with Ovinax and Court dispells to make sure players are in position before the dispell.

Also great while out questing and being able to heal people not in your group.

Most of my casting is on frames via Grid, but having a visual representation of where damage is going to is quite helpful as well.

It’s really not that hard…
You now will have 4 charges of Lightweaver. And with lightweaver it’ll be 1.75s cast time.
and if you use Sanctify it’ll go down to 1.4s cast time.
Mind you this is with 0 Haste so it’ll just be better the more haste you have.

You also will have Holy words way more available than before. You are reducing them baseline 15s with a new talent so now holy words are 45s cd.
On top of that, with the new talent, every 12s you can cast a renew and reduce Sanctify cd 6s so you’ll be sanctifying way more → more prayer of circles

idk… to me this doesn’t sound complicated at all while bringing new rotations to the spec.

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Yeah, well, I don’t want rotations in my reactive healer.


lol ???


Prayer circle is now working after casting sanctify, which reduces cast time and mana cost of PoH.

That’s so weird because I want rotations in my reactive healer

This isn’t even considered “rotations” like you’re mentioning. It’s just spamming 4 Flash Heals and voila, you have the Lightweaver stacks ready to use them REACTIVELY

So wild, I’m hyped for Holy


Doesn’t matter.

As long as it’s a proximity heal, POH sucks.

Attempts to half-fix all the other ways POH sucks don’t address the core problem.


Added to the notes.

  • Prayer of Healing now prioritizes nearby injured targets instead of the closest targets.

(Undermine(d) Development Notes - #5 by Linxy)


Hail Satan, it only took 14 years since the height and heyday of smart heals

Use plater fivehead.

We need to talk about the mana increase to PoH as well. It wasn’t spammable. And it’s definitely not going to become spammable.

PoH wasn’t updated to be spammed. IMO it’s to replace heal in lightweaver when there no single target taking heavy and that’s it.

I think it’s meant to be a not spammable spell like Chain heal. But when you proc Prayer of circle it becomes more spammable in terms of mana costs.

So I think the play they want to push is the following:

(From M+ perspective)

Mid aoe dmg → Just Lightweave Flash Heals and Heals (Trail of light got a nice buff, now transfers 35% of healing on top of also applying to Power word: life and Holy word serenity got big talents buffs like Light in the Darkness)

Heavy aoe dmg → You get 4 lightweaver stacks → Sanctify to proc Prayer circle and spam the hek out of PoH with reduced cast time, reduced mana cost and buffed by resonant words and lightweaver.

Now you can also fill heavy aoe dmg with Divine hymn, Apotheosis and I made a build that also lets you have Lightwell.

To me it feels we now have a nice AoE healing profile on top of good spot healing. But can’t confirm until I test


Entire playerbase: “Priests need more mobility!!!”

Blizzard: “Got it. We’ll delete Circle of Healing and double down on planting and Casting Prayer of Healing.”