Chronicles Part 6

If it’s not exactly what happened then… yea it falls into fan-fiction.

I appreciate your input but i’ll have to disagree.

You never answered how it hurts anyone :slight_smile:

It may be fanfiction but does it hurt anyone to just scroll a little bit past it? And my previous 5 chronicles were never negative in any way.

You may disagree but it doesn’t change the facts that I stated. So nothing will change either way.

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Alright so we just both agreed it’s fanfiction and thus there is a forum subsection for it. I’m not hating on you specifically, i report all the nonsense i see that shouldn’t belong here, for instance that captilism thread thats devolved into politics bashing.

well she/he just agreed that it “may be fanfiction” the facts are it doesn’t belong here. That won’t change either way.

Except your wrong. It can be here. If it didn’t, mods would move it and all the others.

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Oh it is no problem and thank you :slight_smile:

Nice to see that someone likes it.

But as Jaquestiny said GD is for all things WoW :slight_smile:


So are you to tell me Mods are supposed to JUMP at every beck and call whenever a post goes up? this hot mess h-ttps:// is still up, have you flipped through some of that? Clearly doesn’t belong here, it’s a blatan “doesnt belong here” post. It’s crossed the lines of so so many things and yet it exists.

Personally i blame the lack of moderation on the recent firings.

Very nice, I’ve been enjoying your story. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you Laysia :smiley:

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Then why bother to differentiate separate sub-sections for WoW related things?

I have no idea. I do not work for Blizzard and know why they do what they do. All I know is that I have made five of these threads previously, at least two others have also made multiple threads on this same very thing you complain about, and not one of us have been warned to move somewhere else. :slight_smile:

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The answer is simple, because the intend that things be put into their categories. You haven’t been warned because by all standards it’s an innocuous post. I highly doubt anyone has or would report it because it gets forgotten enough easily enough. And the only reason were still talking about it is because you wont accept im right and stop typing to me.

/closes the door on Rahegur

Keep writing, Carissaria.


Who knew there were doors in the internet?

/draws the shades


You are being very odd.

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You know you could just have easily ignored the post if you didn’t think it belong here.


not specialized or limited in range of subject, application, activity, etc…


Nope. He had to click it.

That argument doesn’t work apparently. It isn’t general enough.