Chronicles 4 : Game Team Consultation

Game Team Consultation Credits

Steve Danuser and Chris Metzen

Those two are the consultants for the fourth chronicle book and those of whom that thought Chris Metzen was not a part of it would be your mistake for not reading closely to the credits from the book.

Probably honorable mentions.

Okay and? Books still complete garbage that basically whitewashes the events of 5 expansions and paints a faction full of races based on oppressed people as purely and unquestionably evil. :dracthyr_shrug:

Like I REALLY DO NOT CARE if they consulted a mid at best writer and a guy so charismatic he somehow unintentionally made the playerbase think hes the sole mind behind the franchise the book is still complete garbage that makes an already awful story even worse.

Tbh would think they’d learnt their lesson after Exploring Kalimdor and the criticism it got for being kinda low key racist.


Don’t really care, honestly. They look good on my bookshelf next to my pre-Raphaelite art books and below my waifu cups. That’s all that matters.

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They should’ve got Courtney Alameda to write it. I like her writing style.

Also this. If I were to get something like that it’s more for the art/collection rather than the lore that we know is going to change in 3 months anyways lol

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Sean Copeland got his hands all over chronicles 1-4 and he was the one who did exploring Kalimdor among others of course. Also, spoilers he is part of the lore team.

…you do realise that makes it even worse right?

No, he is just keeping the story in line and how it happened. But those events has been established so let’s move on to something else.

Chronicle Volume 4 did anything but keep the story in line so no he didn’t he just proved that he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the Horde when it comes to writing.

“Sean Copeland’s job is to keep track of what Blizzard decides is canon. He doesn’t make the calls.”

For chronicles 4 he wasn’t the only one there were 4 others including himself (sean). I did say there is a lore team.

Frankly you could have held this thread as a continuing in your previous. This thread doesn’t need to exist, and is, in fact, classified as spam.

Yes it did . your basing your assumptions on teh game . Anything lore wise is through the books . Blizzard has stated many time in the past ( Ghostcrawler and Metzen ) that when gameplay and lore clash in the game , gameplay will always win and lore will be sorted in the books .

No it didn’t the BFA timeline changes knocked everything out of wack

people praise metzen too much, the lore has been bad for a really long time. it didn’t just get that way in BFA. It just started to become more noticeable as more and more cinematics and voice acting was in the game.

Consulting isn’t writing and there’s no way to know how much they consulted on. Again, there is more than one writer that works on the story. Trying to narrow it down to two people that didn’t even write it is just desperation for an easy target.

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