Chronicles 4 announces

So from MoP to Shadowlands. Get ready for a bumpy ride!


Didn’t (parts of) the first one get retconned within like a year of releasing, making the entire point of Chronicles worthless?


Oh no, not another Chronicles. Brace yourselves, a tornado will be going through the lore again.

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Technically the entire thing, every volume, is worthless thanks to their “unreliable narrator” trash.


Yup. Not worth it if it can just be equated to “folktales that can be changed on a whim”

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Why in Hell should anybody even consider buying this thing?


Honestly, kind of a sad state of affairs when the reaction is “well it’s non-canon so why is it even relevant anymore?” instead of “oh neat new stories to read”

It’s like watching kids smacking their action figures together and then going on a rant about how the Hulk would never beat Superman…

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But we get some nice artwork at least.

The unreliable narrator wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t feel like a cop out for their inconsistencies. It could’ve had a chance at being compelling story if we saw some cracks in the Titan facade in the beginning, but nothing so big that we would be like “hey, wait a minute.” Instead small, purposeful inconsistencies in the story to make us question the Titans and not the writers.


Because 95% of the lore in books are NOT retconned and usually they give new insights into characters. For example, did you know a female mechagnome is the reason dwarves even exist? Or that Arthas still believed in a world without suffering after he got the Helm, however he was just twisted to the point that he believed he had to turn everyone undead to do so.


I still need to finish reading Chronicles Volume 3.

Yes. This was Steve Danuser’s doing.

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Apparently there are going to be new Cosmologies(plural apparently).

If new Cosmic Forces get randomly introduced expect to see mention of them in the Expansion.

Just remember yall if the tornado looks like it ain’t movin’, that means its coming your way


Is that an actual thing?

Yup. If it doesn’t seem to be moving left or right, its time to go

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The moment Chronicles makes Shadowlands canon will be the true death of what made Arthas’s descent into the Lich King so great.

Shadowlands is already canon… and will always be…

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Perhaps. But my gripe is that

If there were ever to be another shot of a Warcraft film or tv series…Arthas would have to be the focal point. His journey is that of King Arthur’s, but twisted and corrupt.

It would follow the story starting from Warcraft 3 and finalize with the Fall of the Lich King at the Frozen Throne. Introducing anything about the Jailer would corrupt the already pristine and tragic story of Arthas.

Oh wow! I loved the first 3. The artwork mixed with the general summary of the lore except with extra details was always nice. I know it won’t be perfect, but I always find it interesting how the books describe things we went through from a historical perspective. It almost feels like you’re a part of history in a sense. I was especially active from MoP - Shadowlands so it’ll be even more interesting reading through how all the events are tied together and summarized in a weird way.