Chromie Walkthrough

Hello everyone, could someone completely explain to me the time walking system. The dungeon and raid finder unlocks? The entire rundown of it?. Thanks

Here are the basics:

Chomie Time (officially called Timewalking Campaigns) can be turned on by characters between levels 10 and 49 once the feature is unlocked on the account. (To unlock it, level a character to 50. Returning players with level capped toons from old expansions may also have it unlocked.) You can turn it off and on by talking to Chromie, or switch which “Timeline” you are in while in those level ranges.

As a special note, starting at level 48, the Shadowlands starter quest interferes with turning it on. If you are fast, you can abandon the Shadowlands quest and turn it on, but the Shadowlands quest will repop withing a few seconds so you have to be quick. You can still swap Timelines at 48 and 49 without problems.

As soon as a character hits 50, they are kicked out of Chromie Time. (And will be ported to the main city.) You can still go back and finish up the quests you were working on, but scaling won’t be active anymore.

When you turn on Chromie Time for any expansion, all non-Shadowlands expansions scale to 50. (So, even if you pick Mists of Pandaria, if you head over to Northrend, it will scale to 50 as well.) You will still have free reign over the world and can do whatever quests you want regardless of expansion.

Which Timeline you pick will determine which dungeons you can see in dungeon finder. (For the old 1-60 dungeons, use the Cataclysm Timeline.) When you select a Timeline, Chromie will also give you a breadcrumb quest to get you started. You can still pick up the original breadcrumbs from the Hero’s Call/Warchief’s Command board as well.

So, as an example, if you want to level through Warlords but break up questing with some Wrath dungeons you’d select the Wrath Timeline and then go the the Hero’s Call/Warchief’s Command board and look for the “Tanaan Jungle” option. (Sometimes you have to pick up quests from the board to “unbury” the one you want. Just abandon any extra quests once you get the one you want.)

Raids aren’t a part of Timewalking, so you won’t unlock them in raid finder. (I don’t know if they’ll scale up past their natural cap if you pop into them manually.) For older raids, the general idea is to outlevel and solo them (or do them in small groups.)

At this point, I should clarify one thing that can be a bit confusing as there are actually two different Timewalking systems. There is the “Chromie Time” one described above for leveling characters (added in Shadowlands) and the Timewalking Bonus Event weeks.

The Timewalking weeks are something that come up every 3-4 weeks and will be listed on the Calendar in game. The event will rotate through the various expansions that have an event. During the event, you can use the Dungeon finder to run a selection of dungeons from the expansion and your character will be scaled down to the expansion’s level cap. (But the gear that drops will scale to your actual level.) You also collect Timewarped badges which can be used for various rewards like mounts, pets, cosmetics, and level 60 entry level gear.) Some of these also have raids with them. BC has Black Temple, Wrath has Ulduar, and Cata has Firelands.) To enter these raids, you need to form a manual group of 10-30 players and the group leader talks to a special Timewalking NPC to start it up.


Best walk through I’ve read.