Chromie Time

This has to be my favorite feature, but I wish it had a Vanilla timeline.

Was playing one of my alts last night and picked Cata thinking I could just do the old world zones. Sadly the xp gains dropped and all the quests went green at 30.

I presume you are supposed to switch over to the Cata zones at that point.

I get that the game is changed and they
can’t have it the way it was, but why can’t we just level to 60 in vanilla zones?

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You could have just started questing in the old world without talking to Chromie.

They shouldn’t? Unless they have changed things in the last week, most areas outside the very starting zone (e.g 1-5 Human, Belf etc) should scale to 60 and let you stay to 61 in Chromie time. Is there an example zone you’re able to give me as a test?

If I quest in present time the vanilla zones will stay relevant until I hit 60?

The plaguelands I believe. Was questing in Hillsbrad, and went over to to Andorhal and picked up a few quests. As soon as I went over 30 they all went green.

To be honest i’ve never played through the vanilla zones since chromie time was implemented. I assumed it scaled like the other xpacs

Hopping onto Weirdo and testing this out now, gimme a sec!

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its a bit strange, but you can kill scaled up mobs and do quests in Elwynn forest to 60 now.

mining and herbing also really give good exp, its a relaxing way to level and make gold too.

Hopped onto Cata Chromie Time. Took the portal to Undercity. Slow-flight is slow…

Map shows up the range is to lvl 61.

Quest rewards are upgrades for me.

Mobs are my level.

Not exactly know what you mean with ‘going green’.

you can also jump around to any zone for the same benefit…

Odd. Will test it again when I get home. As soon as hit 31 all the quests became slightly better than trival.

Hopefully it was just a temp problem. Would love to level through vanilla again.

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Perhaps you got kicked out of chromie time. I’ve been told it happens.

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Bro. ever looked at it again?

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Didn’t get a chance. Got home late and had to fix the damned washing machine again.

So tried it tonight. It does appear to scale. Not sure what was going on the other night.

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