I thought that with the 10.0.2 patch that Chromie Time was being extended to 60.
I’ve been playing Legion on Chromie Time since last week, but for some reason, the remaining Class quests (for Druid in this case) are listed as “low level” and barely give any XP.
I went back to Ogrimmar to see if I had to select Legion again from Chromie, but she claims I am already on Legion.
Strangely enough, the Broken Shore quests do not seem to be affected.
What happened? Why are the Legion Class quests considered “low level”?
It might just be a bug (so it’s worth reporting using the in game tool or in the bug report forum.)
They also might have decided not to scale things they consider “end game content.” (Although that would be a new change, as end game world content has previously scaled with Chromie Time.)
Without official word, it’s impossible to know if it’s intended or not (thus why it should be reported as a bug.)
Just out of curiosity, does it change anything if you return to present and then go back to the Legion timeline? I don’t know if that would change anything, but I wondered if something could get stuck transitioning from last week. If it is still low level, as Udiza mentioned, I would submit a bug report.
The Druid Class quest line is not end game, though; it’s the quest line you go through while leveling up, as far as I can tell. (It’s a bit difficult, as the add-on I use, BtwQuest, has inconsistent level requirements for the quest. In some places, it’ll say “Reach Level 103”, while others it says “Reach level 45”. In either case, neither is an End Game level.)
That’s what I was thinking as well, so I did that and it was still the same.
So, I went back to Chromie, selected Wrath as my TW, then immediately re-selected Legion. Unfortunately, it still considered the Druid Class quests “low level”.
I decided to go through it anyway and find another way to level up once the questline was completed. Oddly enough, I still had some breadcrumb quests, particularly the one the leads to Aszuna Chapter 4 (where you have to help shipwrecked sailers fight the giants) was NOT “low level” and was giving a whopping 9K XP (whereas the “low level” quests were giving only 88 XP for an actual quest).
Stranger still, once I had completed the Druid Class quest line, I moved on to The Broken Shore quest line, but these are all scaling correctly. Presumably, this is because they are all End Game quests that were originally only available once you hit max level.
Also, weirdly in the middle of all this, once I hit 58, Chromie sends me a letter and tells me Chromie Time is almost over and to go back to Orgirmmar to start doing End Game stuff. This is kind of understandable, as most expansions only require previous max level - 2 to be able to start the next one.
And then, when I hit 60 while in the middle of one of the Broken Shore related quests, it booted me out of Chromie Time…which I was promptly able to continue just by going back to the location.
So it definitely seems like something is borked with the recent changes.
Alas, my problem now is trying to figure out why my level 60 Druid with ilevel 145 gear is so damned squishy, but that’s a topic for another thread…
There was a reason I put “end game content” in quotes. (Although level 45 is end game level for Legion outside of Chromie Time.) I do suspect it’s a bug, as historically, all the stuff is included in Chromie Time. I only hedged because with the re-scaling of BfA to 60, they have excluded some of the end game (originally level 50) BfA stuff. (And now I’m wondering if that stuff scales to 60 in Chromie Time.)
145 is quite low. (The boosts, which have pretty crappy gear start at 180.) The good news is a bit of time with the Primal Invasions will get you in the mid-200s pretty quickly.
I haven’t really played since Shadowlands start, so I’m not clear on what is viable at 60 now, but I do distinctly remember buying a bunch of crafted 151 gear on my fresh 60s two years ago to try to get them into (Heroic) Dungeons.
But, yeah, as you suggested, I’m just going to grind the Primal Invasions to get gear.
I’m sorry to hear the swap out of the timeline didn’t help! I usually use the wowhead campaign guides to see my progress.
Some of the quests require level 10 but then the “end game” ones are level 45. Recently I did the rogue campaign in Chromie time and was able to get the level 45 quests at 45, even though sometimes the expansions lock you out of “end game” quests until 50 in Chromie time. I could even activate world quests at 45 while still in Chromie time. I continued to get great XP up to 50 doing the rogue campaign, so it was working before this week.
The 252 catchup gear Udiza mentioned is definitely the fastest way to get new gear and there are a lot of people around to help kill things in the invasions, so it doesn’t hurt as much being weaker. It’s still low for more advanced Shadowlands Season 4 content, but is suitable for Mythic 0 and +2 dungeons, and the LFR ilvl requirement is 230. But the catchup gear is designed to get you to a decent enough ilvl to head into the next expansion, so that would be plenty for now. Anniversary world bosses can drop ilvl 272 items daily and the Shadowlands world bosses are ilvl 285 weekly, but they are more RNG dependent.