Chromie time or not?

I have a level 45 shaman. I want to go through the Legion expansion on her. Is it better to just go there, and jump right in, or should I do it via Chromie time? What would the difference be?

You should go Chromie Time.

In each expansion, mobs have a “real” level, and a Chromie Time level.

When you are in Chromie Time, the mobs always have the same level as you, (plus or minus one or two sometimes) and will give optimum XP for your level, and will drop loot for your level, whatever that is 10-60.

As I recall, Legion mobs have a “real” level of 40-45. A level 45 outside Chromie Time will see level 45 mobs at first, so that would work, but as you level, there would be no higher level mobs for you to kill, and no higher level rewards from quests. You’d slowly make it to 47, and then everything would be grey to you, giving no XP or useful rewards.

Up to level 60, Chromie Time guarantees you the correct level of opposition - far too monotonous for my taste, but optimum for progress.


Great job explaining it. Thank you.


If leveling is your goal, Chromie Time. If the story is your goal, you might want to consider going without it. At 50 with Chromie Time iff, you’ll get a modest overlevel bonus that will make soloing the group content like Suramar quests and normal dungeons a lot easier.

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Good to know. Thanks