I have been LONG done BFA and have all the requirements for Timewalking Campaigns, but when I take my lvl 10 elf to Chromie, all I get it “You’re to busy with Kul Tiras” and cannot choose to lvl anywhere else.
If you think it is a bug you need to file a bug report. Otherwise you need to post in the Quests forum.
Did you start a BFA breadcrumb on that character? My experience on the last few days of PTR was that Chromie Time became disabled if you started BFA/picked Exile’s Reach to start with. Then again I was testing on a “new” account, so it may have been more limited than normal.
If you did Exile’s Reach you have to do the BFA quests up to opening the portals and then you can go back to Stormwind and use Chromie Time.
Also noticed that if you pick up the BfA breadcrumb quest, then try to go to Chromie Time Legion, the npc’s to start you off (Alliance at the SW Docks) are phased out. I just dropped the BfA quest, and the npc’s appeared.
did that and still cannot enter chromie time
Did you look at the hero’s board? You pick up the quest to meet Chromie there.
thanks i will try that
didnt work , chromie still wont talk to me . Only thing on board was quests to start various expansions , which were not 10-50 , only ordinary time levels
Submitted a bug report about this, but I’m also posting here just to make sure.
I, too, finished Exiles Reach on a new character. I decided to do the stormwind tour to see what it was like and now Chromie won’t talk to me. I would prefer not to have to do the BFA stuff, so hopefully Blizz will fix this. Fortunately this baby Pally isn’t super urgent to me
if you opened the portal room i mean the actual portal room so SW/Org portal is up then take the portal and the hour glass icon should be on your mini map.
idk but i tried to log onto my lvl 50 toon just in case prior and then i did the above and worked fine for me. after i opened the portal room which took only like 2-5minutes not that long i took org portal and was okay. i logged into the lvl 50 toon though just incase because i just played today and first thing i did was make a new toon so maybe it didn’t register that i already had a lvl 50.
I’m having the same issue.
I’ve wasted time trying to figure out what’s wrong and finally give up and report a bug.
You’re telling me I have to do some kind of work around to try out a new feature?
This is is working as intended???
That really pisses me off. Fix this please! ARGH
So apparently you HAVE to start BFA. You have to do the BFA intro quests up to the Sanctum of Sages quests. Then you can go do TimeWalking Campaign…SO DUMB
No. You don’t. You have to in certain circumstances. I’ve made two new characters, gotten them to 10, and started Timewalking stuff on them without any BFA interaction. The only one I’ve had the problem with was the one I did Exile’s Reach and the Tour quest on.
Chromie’s not working for me as well she keeps saying the situation in Icecrown needs you with out your help, Azeroths future is doomed! Icecrown is northrend stuff right becasue I’m playing on a Demon Hunter I’ve been playing sense the beginning of the month did BFA area then went onto shadowlands don’t know why Chromie would have me locked on doing stuff in Icecrown. I just checked it’s saying the same thing on my Draenei Pally I was playing during Legion who got level squished to 48 I unlocked Void elf and lightforged with him before making the DH I’m playing.