I can no longer select any expansions in Chromie Time on my level 49 Demon Hunter - Atomica - The Forgotten Coast. She just mentions something about a situation in Icecrown. Would enjoy having the game scale once again…
We were just discussing in another thread whether you could get back into Chromie Time at level 48 or 49, this appears to confirm the suspicions that you cannot.
The one thing you could try is abandoning “A Chilling Effect” and then trying to turn Chromie Time back on before the quest is re-offered. Udiza wasn’t able to get that to work on a trial character, but she wasn’t sure if that was affected by it being a trial character.
This does work, but the auto-accept quest keeps popping up.
If you’re standing in front of Chromie, abandon the Shadowlands quest, then click on her (you can’t have her chat open), and her chat opens with the “choose a timeline” option. The Shadowlands quest will probably pop up again, but you’ll be in the timeline interface.
Confirmed, I just did it on a level 49 dark iron dwarf to switch from BfA to Legion (so I could do the Legion invasion in Azsuna).