Chromie Time fixed


I think we still get kicked out at 50 but this is a good compromise as we can go back and disable now.


if this is a trick, lol…THIS is the ONE flipping thing that is make or break for me given how I like to enjoy this game.
If they make it right. I can ignore all the other garbage ‘bugs’ Ive reported.


Why didn’t they just remove the auto-kick and make old-world quests green or gray? All problems fixed.


yeah…just locking our experience right before we get kicked into current content would be ok with me.


What, really? :expressionless:
So… that’s how it works. Hm.


yeah…you’ll have to be careful to lock when you hit 49 if you want to finish up the content unless they fix this too.
since this is a huge change to the game, it should auto lock us the second we hit 49 so we dont get kicked out.
Not a problem to go to the NPC and unlock when we’re ready.


Alternatively, they could’ve given us a pop up that asks if we want to leave or stay and earn no XP.


Actually that would be perfect.


Apparently that made too much sense for Blizz and they had to complicate things. LOL


heh…I want to go there but my blood pressure is already high enough today LOL :laughing:

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Ah… sad. In fact I was gonna try it with current alts lol you know lvl 50 alts.
But I can still do the quests in past xpac regions right? Like we do now. Just not within Chromie Time.

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On a level 35 dk with CT off everything is leveled to its own level…classic up to 30…BFA up to 50, etc.
You can still run all the quests, but the lower level content will just be one shotting everything.
if that level 35 is in chromie time stuff seems to be leveling up to me…classic beasties are matching my 35 (about 34 for world trash) .

Its gonna be confusing for a while, lol

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Get rid of the auto kick. When you hit 50, experience is automatically cut off. Have a quest pop to have you go to Chromie in your main city. Turn in quest and that’s the end of Chromie Time.

Or ignore the quest and keep going through whatever expansion you’re working through and then complete Chromie’s quest when you’re done.

You move on to Shadowlands content and you can start earning experience again.

How hard is that?


That’d work too.

Just set your hearthstone right before hitting max level.
Why the big issue with getting kicked? So just fly back or set your hearth.

another fine idea. Auto locking experience at 49 seems to be the way to go.
I think the second we hit 50 we get kicked out of CT.

Oh thank you :smile: I think I can understand now. It would be lovely if I could run all the regions as if I were in the xpacs

Well… I can’t ask Blizzard too much now isn’t it lol

the one cool thing is, and what Ive been waiting for that was screwed until they made this change…is now we can swap expansions while locked and run ANY old dungeons we want from any expansion.
thats what I had planned to do, but not being able to lock experience was going to trash it.
As it stands right now, assuming they dont screw it up again, the game as a whole should be perfect for everyone…those who enjoy current content and those who enjoy the old content

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I did just get a PTR update for anyone else who’s on it.