Chromie Time Changes

I have three suggestions for things Blizzard should implement for Chromie Time.

  1. Allow new accounts to skip Exile’s Reach and use Chromie Time immediately. Some people want to make a new account, and play the game chronologically, or maybe not play the Battle For Azeroth, since half of it doesn’t exist anymore thanks to in-game events.

  2. Do NOT force people out of Chromie Time once they hit level 60 - give them a way to continue to play through each expansion with scaling intact and without kicking them into BFA.

  3. Separate Cataclysm zones and dungeons from ‘Classic 2.0’ content - having to wait until 30 to do the Cataclysm zones, and then likely reach 60 before finishing 2 of the 5, really sucks. It also isn’t clear why you can’t queue for Cataclysm dungeons when you hit level 30 - it just says you ‘don’t meet the requirements’ - what are they???