Chromie time bug or changed?

Cromie Time is broken.

My first lvl 70 account (present time) can’t see my second lvl 60 account (present time). It’s like it’s always in chromie time but that’s not the case. I checked chormie several times but it is set up well.

Same problem here:

A couple things to check if both toons are out of phase–

  1. Is one of them in war mode? (This would be my guess)
  2. Try moving both of them into a major faction city to meet up. Other areas may be phased due to quest/progression conditions.

No war mode on both
and yes are both to Valdrakken.

I’ve boosting a lot of my alts with my main on the plains. Something changed or broke with the pre-patch. Maybe no one reports it because they don’t use multi-accounts.

I’m one of the few who has 2 accounts on the same, and have levelled a bunch of toons with my tank that way.

I’ve had the same happen (but not for long periods of time)-- try sending them back to Orgrimmar / Stormwind one at a time, then bring them back to Valdrakken again.

I tried many things but nothing worked. I think something related to the pre-patch broke the chromie time.