Chrome Remote Desktop

I was wondering if anyone has used chrome Remote Desktop or something similar to try to play Wow? just out of fun I wanted to try it to log onto WoW from my phone while I’m at work and do a world quest or something. the problem is I can’t move my character. I can click all my abilities just can’t move. anyone know how to fix this? I even bring up the wasd keys on the remote device but still can’t move.

and before anyone says “your going to get banned!!” I don’t care about that it was just something I wanted to try for fun it’s not like I’m going to try to run a mythic + that way.

Chrome remote desktop sucks in general because it doesn’t recognize input keys in a game just a keyboard when you type

Use TeamViewer if you want remote desktop control, it lets you move your character more easily.

I used TeamViewer during Warlords of Draenor for my legendary ring, I prioritize the shipyard missions ASAP when I knew missions were ready to turn in but I wasn’t going to be home till later.

Did this so I could get my ring before Legion pre patch came out as I was running out of time.