Christie Golden has been laid off



Wow, that was a lot for her to go through in such a short time.

Farewell and best wishes to her on her journey. :slightly_smiling_face:


I guess the chances are going down for anduin x jaina strong political marriage

Her layoff date would make her part of the 1,900 laid off by Microsoft back in January.


Seriously. My distaste for her writing can never quite match my disgust at Blizz consistently being such a callous, classless and sometimes outright deranged corporation.

It’s at the point where I wonder why anyone would work for them.


Im genuinely curious about what is callous about this? Letting someone go from a job isn’t personal. It may feel like it from the persons perspective but it’s really not.

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I think he called it callous because of the timing, since she got laid off around the time her nephew passed away. Though I don’t know if was Blizzard who let her go since it looks like…

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Does life events really matter though? Professional and personal are best seperated. But even if we take that out it’s like leaving a partner would you stay with them for another 6 months cause of a sad life event? I would hope not cause thats just wasting 6 months of that persons time.


I mean yeah kicking out an employee who’s been with the company a quarter of a century during a family tragedy seems at best callous.

But this is the same company that just suggest we tip game devs so. I’m not surprised.


It’s not the same company its a former employer of that company. Back to the original point though you would prefer they what keep her on for a peroid of time just to waste it so that she can’t further herself? That’s what I would call callous.


The minds of the managerial caste truly are medically fascinating.


So you would prefer to have your time wasted then? How is this different than say waiting 6 months to break up with a SO when you know you are going to? All your doing is prolonging the inevitable and wasting everyone times involved.


I wouldn’t immediately break up with an SO if a close family member of theirs died from cancer just because I saw the relationship as ‘wasting my time.’ That’s incredibly selfish and borderline sociopathic behavior.

No idea how that concept is lost on you.

It’s basic empathy.


You would stay with them, despite not wanting to be with them, and in turn tricking them?

Uhhh…that seems more like you are selfish and are afraid of what people will think of you or how it will look.


I would simply not break up with them on the same day thier family member died. Especially if it was a relationship that had lasted twenty-five years.


Less ‘I’m afraid of what people think of me’ and more that I don’t want to add on to an already bad situation for them, even if I don’t want to be romantically involved with them anymore.

Literally this:

Just because I don’t want to be romantically involved with them doesn’t mean I suddenly stop caring about that person or what they’re feeling…

I can still be there for them, even if it’s outside of a romantic context.


No instead you just deny them the opportunity to move on in life and potentially miss out on something.

No you’re wasting their time.


But you are adding on to a bad situation. You are taking away their decision to choose and making it about you because of your feelings and fear in the moment, ignoring long term side effects.

Maybe they dont want to bond with someone that doesnt want to be with them? This is an epic life moment…and you are making the decision for them to bond with you, a moment they will remember forever, with a person who doesnt have any interest in being with them.

“Hey…i know you bonded with me and all and fell more in love with me than anyone else and pushed them all away to be closer to me because of it but yeeeaaaahhhh you see…i had no interest in keeping you…bye!”

Man…thats cruel.


Hypothetical relationship situation aside, her getting layed off was done by Microsoft, along with the 1899 other employees. They didn’t take an indepth look into all 1900 employees, they looked at sections of the company and removed what they saw as unnecessary. These are just numbers to them, the personal lives of their employees isn’t part of the equation. A good company doesn’t let emotions get in the way of their business practices. Though whether those employees should’ve been laid off is a different matter.


I think if a company engages in mass layoffs we can automatically exclude them from the category of “a good company”.