Christian Horde Guild on Mankrik

We are on Mankrik and would love to have you! I was part of a Christian guild in retail and it seemed like every Christian guild I found played Alliance. My buddy and I were looking to play Horde for the first time in a very long time, but we wanted to join a family friendly guild on the Horde side.

We had a really hard time finding one, so much so that we didn’t. So, we decided we needed to create one. Thankfully we found a couple of other guys that were interested in the same thing, so we joined their server and started fresh.

We are a Christian guild and are gamers with families; therefore we foster a family-friendly environment. We operate by biblical standards, so we keep it calm and we keep it clean.

We are semi-casual; meaning, we game when life, and family commitments, allow. When raid time comes we aim to dominate.

We plan on having regular bible studies that all are invited to, but not required to attend for membership.

We are Through the Fire, and we welcome everyone! Come join us on Mankrik! Send an in-game message to Lectrobeard or Subtlefish

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Arr you guys still going?