Chose underwear style

Now that you can go topless id like it if my sexy void elf can wear night elf undies

& for you ladies chose youre bra style

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It might be different in their original art files, but in game underwear textures aren’t separate from the character skin textures. It would take a decent amount of work to implement something like this, so it will probably never happen.

Yes they are. You can verify this by noting that some super skimpy armor sets are more revealing than underwear, but also don’t show underwear underneath them.

Previewing certain heritage armor items on races other than what they’re intended for can also give you some pretty X-rated views, like tauren loincloths having a hole in the back for the tail.

However, they’re obviously tailored to fit the races they’re designed for, so you couldn’t really do much here besides offer different colors (which already exist for some races as NPC options)


There are three texture files for every race’s female skin color: a “nude” one that is displayed when items are equipped, and an upper/lower torso texture that has the underwear painted on (which are displayed when no item is equipped in the chest/leg slot):

In order to do what the OP is asking, they’d have to go back and remake the chest/leg textures, or change to a system where only the “nude” file is referenced and create a bunch of separate underwear textures. Either way, it’s a decent amount of work they probably wouldn’t care to put in for a system that unfortunately comes across as mostly an afterthought in the first place…


Yes, thank you for demonstrating my point…that there is a seperation between the base character texture and the underwear texture, contrary to your wording.

No, they’re not going to bother doing this, but the reason wouldn’t be because it’s hard to remove the partial skin texture on the underwear textures. It’s because the placement would need to be altered completely as well.

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I mean it sounds cool but it would be a lot of work. I’d be just as down for some more cosmetic leg and chest/shirt armor options that would pretty much accomplish this. For example some bikini or miniskirt appearances.

Personally I’m a wee bit bummed we can’t hide legging graphics. Mostly because I lack slu- er, I mean, exciting leg mogs I mean human females are thicc and great, why can’t we just hide dem pants too? :ok_hand: